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CS 82.22A
Introduction to Networks
Description:This course introduces the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and other computer networks. It uses the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) layered models to examine the nature and roles of protocols and services at the application, network, data link, and physical layers. The principles and structure of Internet Protocol (IP) addressing and the fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations are introduced to provide a foundation for the curriculum. Network simulator activities help students analyze protocol and network operation and build small networks in a virtual environment. Students build simple Local Area Network (LAN) topologies by applying basic principles of cabling, performing basic configurations of network devices, including routers and switches, and implementing IP addressing schemes. Network Fundamentals is the first of the three courses leading to the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) designation.
Recommended Preparation:Completion of CS 80.15
Repeatability:Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP
Grading Type:Grade or P/NP
Sections listed are for Fall 2024
 SectDaysHoursInstructorLocationRoomUnitsStatusTotal SeatsCurrent EnrollmentSeats RemainingDate Begin/EndDate Final ExamBooks
Add section to cart2573 OnlineRosen SOnlineOnline4.00Closed3434008/19-12/13To Be ArrangedClick here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
Add section to cart0587W5:30 pm - 9:30 pmRosen SCall Building, Petaluma CampusPC 6454.00Open3427708/21-12/1112/18/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
 Choose how you attend each class session: (1) in class physically, (2) live online at the scheduled days and times (e.g. via Zoom – the link will be provided by the instructor once class starts), or (3) completing all course work asynchronously (e.g. via Canvas). You have the flexibility to attend in the format you choose from one class meeting to the next, as your schedule permits. HyFlex courses help you complete your education while allowing you to adapt it to your life.