Santa Rosa Junior College
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DH 70
Dental Anatomy and Tooth Morphology
Description:In this course the student will learn dental terminology, tooth morphology, tooth anomalies, structures of the oral cavity, classification of cavities, occlusion, and visual identification of individual teeth and their anatomic landmarks. Students will perform oral inspection, dental charting, and a proper recording of significant observations.
Prerequisites:Concurrent Enrollment in DH 71A
Limits on Enrollment:Acceptance to the Allied Dental Programs
Repeatability:Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP
Grading Type:Grade Only
Sections listed are for Fall 2024
 SectDaysHoursInstructorLocationRoomUnitsStatusTotal SeatsCurrent EnrollmentSeats RemainingDate Begin/EndDate Final ExamBooks
Add section to cart0663W
8:00 am - 10:00 am
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Hellums S
Hellums S
Race Building, Santa Rosa Campus4024
12/18/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
Add section to cart0585W
8:00 am - 10:00 am
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Hellums S
Hellums S
Race Building, Santa Rosa Campus4024
12/18/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook