Santa Rosa Junior College
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CHLD 55.5
Foundations of Language and Literacy
Description:This course provides students an overview of current research and pedagogy related to first and second language acquisition and early literacy of children from birth through age eight. Students will observe and document children's language and literacy in classroom settings, create literacy activity plans, compare tools for evaluating language development, and analyze strategies for scaffolding language and literacy.
Recommended Preparation:Eligibility for ENGL 1A or equivalent and Course Completion of CHLD 10
Repeatability:Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP
Grading Type:Grade or P/NP
Sections listed are for Fall 2024
 SectDaysHoursInstructorLocationRoomUnitsStatusTotal SeatsCurrent EnrollmentSeats RemainingDate Begin/EndDate Final ExamBooks
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