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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Utilize common Chinese vocabulary related to everyday topics.
2. Read simplified passages from original Chinese texts for general meaning and basic
3. Communicate in traditional spoken and written Chinese.
4. Employ greetings and polite expressions in a culturally appropriate context and manner.
5. Develop and organize short sentences and paragraphs in Mandarin Chinese.
6. Identify and use the correct Mandarin Chinese tones in pronunciation.
7. Develop insight into Mandarin Chinese culture, traditions and society.
8. Correctly express thoughts in written form utilizing appropriate traditional Mandarin
Chinese characters.
9. Pronounce the phonetic symbols in Chinese "Pinyin".
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Content and topics will reflect beginning communicative skills required to function in cross-cultural, academic, social and job-related situations.
I. Sentences
A. Basic sentences with to be "shi", to have "you" and to do "zuo"
B. Write simple sentences with stative verb (hen)
C. Word order in sentences (Chinese sentence orders, difference between English and
D. Different sentence forms - statement, question and negative
E. Rules of writing Chinese and Pinyin characters: basic stroke and stroke order
F. Formation of phrases and questions
G. Inquire about one's preferences
II. Common Vocabulary
A. Simple greetings; expressions of courtesy, suggestions, and complaints
B. Describe and ask about locations of people, places, and things
C. Describe activities and events in the present, past, and present progressive tenses
D. Read and write at least 100 basic traditional Chinese characters
E. Telling and asking time
F. Numbers 1-1,000,000
G. Family members
H. Days of the week; months of the year
I. Pastimes, sports, and places
J. Clothing and shopping; colors
III. Conversation
A. Use correct Chinese tones in pronunciation
B. Describe and ask about locations of people, places, and things
C. Describe activities and events in the present, past, present progressive tenses
D. Accept and reject an invitation
IV. Parts of Speech
A. Pronouns - subject "wo", plural form
B. Adverbs and adjectives
C. Conjunctions
D. Adjectives
E. Connecting two verb phrases
V. Grammar
A. Use of a functional marker "le"
B. Possessive word "de "
C. Auxiliary words e.g. "xiang "
D. Measure words (e.g. a cup of tea = "yi bei cha" )
E. Particles with "ba" "ma"
F. Grammatical terminology and identifying parts of speech
G. Utilize all elements of the Pinyin system (Initials, finals, and tones)
VI. Vocabulary of Everyday Life
A. Descriptive complements
B. Occupations and nationalities
C. Chinese family structures and values
D. Information about demographics, customs, history and geography pertaining to the
Chinese-speaking world and Chinese-speaking communities in the U.S.
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1. Reviewing lesson(s) from the textbook
2. Memorizing vocabulary and verb conjugations
3. Completing exercises in textbook and workbook
4. Weekly quizzes, chapter exams and final
5. Short compositions, such as simple narrative and descriptive tasks
6. Engaging in pair and group activities, structured conversations, and projects
7. Dictation and written translation
8. In-class participation including oral presentation
9. Comprehension questions related to textbook passages, magazine articles and/or newspaper
10. Reading short elementary-level paragraphs and dialogues on cultural topics
featuring target grammar and vocabulary
11. Reading reports
Online Assignments:
1. Viewing and interpreting video programs in Chinese
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Integrated Chinese, Volume 1, Textbook. 4th ed. Liu, Yuehua and Yao, Tao-chung and Bi, Nyan-Ping. Cheng & Tsui. 2018
Integrated Chinese, Volume 1, Character Workbook. 4th ed. Liu, Yuehua and Yao, Tao-chung and Bi, Nyan-Ping. Cheng & Tsui. 2018
Integrated Chinese, Volume 1, Workbook. 4th ed. Liu, Yuehua and Yao, Tao-chung and Bi, Nyan-Ping. Cheng & Tsui. 2018
The way of Chinese characters. 2nd ed. Wu, Jianhsin. Cheng & Tsui. 2015 (classic)
Cheng & Tsui Chinese Character Dictionary. Huidi, Wang. Cheng & Tsui 1998 (classic)
Instructor prepared materials
Student Preparation |
Matric Assessment Required: | E | Requires English Assessment |
Prerequisites-generate description: | NP | No Prerequisite |
Advisories-generate description: | A | Auto-Generated Text |
Prereq-provisional: | N | NO |
Prereq/coreq-registration check: | N | No Prerequisite Rules Exist |
Requires instructor signature: | N | Instructor's Signature Not Required |
| | |
Method of instruction: | 02 | Lecture |
| 71 | Internet-Based, Simultaneous Interaction |
| 72 | Internet-Based, Delayed Interaction |
Area department: | WLANG | World Languages |
Division: | 71 | Language Arts & Academic Foundations |
Special topic course: | N | Not a Special Topic Course |
Program Status: | 1 | Both Certificate and Major Applicable |
Repeatability: | 00 | Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP |
Repeat group id: | | |
| | |
Audit allowed: | Y | Auditable |
Open entry/exit: | N | Not Open Entry/Open Exit |
Credit by Exam: | N | Credit by examination not allowed |
Budget code: Program: | 0000 | Unrestricted |
Budget code: Activity: | 1101 | Modern and Classical Languages |
| | |
Disciplines: | Foreign Languages |
Basic Skills: | N | Not a Basic Skills Course |
Level below transfer: | Y | Not Applicable |
CVU/CVC status: | Y | Distance Ed, Not CVU/CVC Developed |
Distance Ed Approved: | Y | Either online or hybrid, as determined by instructor |
Emergency Distance Ed Approved: | Y | Fully Online Partially Online Online with flexible in-person activities
Credit for Prior Learning: | N | Agency Exam |
| N | CBE |
| N | Industry Credentials |
| N | Portfolio |
Non-credit category: | Y | Not Applicable, Credit Course |
Classification: | Y | Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses |
SAM classification: | E | Non-Occupational |
TOP code: | 1107.00 | Chinese |
Work-based learning: | N | Does Not Include Work-Based Learning |
DSPS course: | N | NO |
In-service: | N | Not an in-Service Course |