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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Describe the principles, duties, and virtues of a healthcare professional.
2. Describe family dynamics in a cultural, social, ethnic and lifestyle context as it relates to our family of origin ethical development.
3. Exhibit professional skills and competence caring for a diverse population in a healthcare environment.
4. Define the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) code of professional ethics.
5. Identify ethical violations and describe sanctions.
6. Describe how allocation and poverty affect access to quality healthcare.
7. Define the Patient's Bill of Rights as determined by the American Hospital Association.
8. Describe legal doctrines and professional standards as regulated by state and federal agencies.
9. Describe ways to maintain patient confidentiality as defined by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations and identify situations that violate HIPAA.
10. Define the difference between civil and criminal liability.
11. Describe the radiologic technologist's role regarding mandated reporting laws.
12. Define types of patient consent and describe the radiologic technologist's role to obtain informed consent.
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I. History of Medical Ethics
A. Origins of the healing arts and medical ethics.
B. Principles, duties, and virtues of a health professional
C. Milestones in the history of medical ethics
D. Origins of medical ethnocentrism
II. Ethics and Ethical Behavior in Healthcare
A. Moral reasoning
B. Development of a personal value system
C. Family dynamics in a cultural, social, ethnic and lifestyle context
D. Interrelationship between personal, community and societal values
E. Development of professional skills
F. Competence
G. Professional attributes
1. Compassion
2. Empathy
3. Sympathy
4. Honesty
5. Integrity
6. Accountability
H. Continuing professional education
I. Code of professional ethics
J. Seven principles of biomedical ethics
1. Beneficence
2. Non-malfeasance
3. Respect for autonomy
4. Veracity
5. Role fidelity
6. Confidentiality
7. Justice
K. Ethical violations and sanctions
III. Ethical Issues in Healthcare
A. Individual and societal rights
B. Cultural considerations
C. Economic considerations
D. Technology and scarce resources
E. Access to quality healthcare
F. Poverty and its effect on healthcare
G. Quality of Life
H. Human experimentation and research
I. Dilemmas of transplants
J. Life Sustaining Treatment
K. Death and Dying
L. The Patient's Bill of Rights
M. Forensic Radiology
N. Radiology-specific ethical issues
O. Operation and manipulation of electronic data
1. Image cropping
2. Editing image data
3. Alteration of exposure indicators
P. As low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)
IV. Legal Doctrines and Professional Standards
A. Doctrine of Personal Liability
B. Doctrine of Respondeat Superior
C. Doctrine of Borrowed Servant
D. Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur
E. Patient Consent
1. Types
2. Definitions
F. HIPAA - Confidentiality of patient medical records
1. Written
2. Electronic communication
3. Cell phones
4. Social networking sites
5. Photography
G. Civil versus Criminal Liability
H. Good Samaritan Law
I. Torts - intentional and unintentional
1. Libel and slander
2. Assault and battery
3. False imprisonment
4. Invasion of privacy
5. Breach of confidentiality
J. Negligence and malpractice
1. Definitions
2. Elements
3. Prevention
K. Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare
L. Responsibility to follow laws and regulations
1. Narcotics (Controlled Substances Act)
2. Treatment of minors
3. Reporting communicable disease information
M. Mandated reporting
1. Elder and dependent adult abuse and neglect
2. Child abuse and neglect
3. Spousal/domestic partner abuse and neglect
4. Duties to Warn Third Parties
V. Hospital Labor Relations
A. Employer contracts
B. Organized labor unions
C. Fair Labor Standards Act
D. Equal Pay Act
E. Civil Rights Act of 1991
F. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
G. Equal Employment Opportunity Act
H. Pregnancy policy
I. State Fair Employment Practice Act
J. State Worker's Compensation Statute
K. "Whistleblowing"