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Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Summarize the history of the hotel industry.
2. Compare and contrast the US hotel industry with the industry in other
parts of the world.
3. Identify and describe different types of accommodations.
4. Discuss the use and meaning of property rating systems.
5. Compare and contrast different operating structures.
6. Describe and discuss the pros and cons of a variety of booking
7. Identify and describe different types of clientele and discuss how to
attract each category of guest to each hotel type.
8. Describe the responsibilities of an innkeeper.
9. Identify departments within a hotel and explain the function of each
and their interrelationships.
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I. History of the Industry
A. Overview of industry history--where did it all start and how has
it gotten to where it is today?
B. Differences between USA and the world
C. Sonoma County hotel industry
II. Different types of accommodations
A. Full service hotels and resorts
B. Bed & Breakfasts
C. Limited service hotels/motels
D. Camp grounds
E. Extended stay
F. Vacation rental
III. Property rating systems
A. AAA (American Automobile Association)
B. Mobile
C. Other
IV. Operating structures
A. Franchise
B. Managed
C. Independent
V. Booking methods
A. Direct
B. Internet
C. Travel agent
D. Differences and competition among methods
E. Pros and cons of each method
F. Future of booking methods
VI. Clientele/guests
A. Groups
1. Incentive
2. Corporate
3. Association
4. SMERF (Social, Military, Educational, Religious, Fraternal)
5. Other
B. Leisure
1. Corporate traveler
2. Family
3. Couples
4. Other
C. How to attract each category of clientele to each different
hotel type
VII. Responsibilities of an innkeeper
A. Clean, safe sleeping environment
B. Creating an experience
1. Historical overview
2. Contemporary strategies and amenities
C. Community
1. Employment
2. Tax revenue
3. Economic impact
4. Environmental
5. Involvement
a. Chambers
b. Associations (SCTB - Sonoma County Tourism Bureau; SCLA -
Sonoma County Lodging Association; WIB - Workforce
Investment Board; etc.)
VIII. Industry related partnerships
A. CVBs (Convention and Visitors Bureaus)
B. Trade shows
C. Corporate partnerships
D. Associations
E. Networking, advertising, and public relations
1. Help in finding guests
2. Ensuring up-to-date basics of industry (e.g. linen, cleaning
supplies and other tools of the business)
3. Support for creating a trendy experience
IX. Overview of hotel departments and departments
A. Operations
B. Front desk
C. Sales & marketing
D. Conventions & events
E. Food & beverages
F. Finance & accounting
G. Revenue management
H. Back of house departments
I. Stewarding
J. Housekeeping
K. Engineering
L. Phone operators (PBX - Private Branch eXchange)
M. Laundry
N. Lavoratory
X. Career opportunities
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1. Reading: approximately 15 - 20 pages per week.
2. Complete weekly topic summaries, based on material presented in
assigned reading, in lectures, and from online research (2-3 pages each).
3. Select one Sonoma County hotel and conduct on-site interview(s) and
online research including type of accommodation, rating, operating
structure, booking method(s), clientele, and strategies for creating an
experience. Present orally in class.
4. Complete a 1-2 page written report on career opportunities and personal
career goals.
5. 1-3 quizzes; final exam.
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Instructor prepared materials.