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1. Select, complete and evaluate personal learning objectives for externship.
2. Discuss and demonstrate competence related to elements of the workplace, biomedical cultures, and professionalism.
3. Discuss interpreter competencies in healthcare settings within the scope of practice and ethical standards established by the California Healthcare Interpreting Association (CHIA).
4. Analyze conflict management opportunities and problem-solving solutions that apply to interpreting encounters in the healthcare setting.
5. Analyze and role-play scenarios to enhance culturally sensitive communication skills with clients and providers.
6. Maintain appropriate records of interpreting encounters.
7. Discuss self-care techniques and personal strategies.
8. Discuss and demonstrate appropriate and efficient log entries and glossary-building techniques.
9. Describe successful completion of externship and demonstrate readiness for final exam role-play interpretation.
10. Maintain ePortfolio and resume.
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I. Orientation to Externship - Healthcare Interpreting in Healthcare Settings
A. Seminar objectives, syllabus, and preceptor folder
B. Assigned experience, expectations and evaluations
C. Student interpreter's role and scope of practice
D. Preceptor/instructor/language coach roles
II. Seminar will provide opportunities to analyze, discuss and demonstrate professional elements of student healthcare interpreting encounters
A. Standards of practice for students:
1. rendering all messages accurately and completely to enable other parties to know precisely what each speaker has said, taking cultural context into consideration
2. maintaining confidentiality, within the treating team, all information learned during interpretation, except with the patient's consent or if required by law
3. striving to maintain impartiality and refrain from counseling, advising, or projecting personal biases or beliefs
4. using professional, culturally appropriate ways of treating all parties with respect
5. striving to understand the cultures, including healthcare beliefs and practices, associated with the languages being interpreted, as well as biomedical cultures
6. acting in a professional and ethical manner at all times
7. striving to further knowledge and skills, through independent study, continuing education, and actual interpreting practice
B. Skills and problem-solving related to externship
C. Elements of workplace, biomedical culture, and professionalism
1. time and resource management
2. reporting and accountability
3. professional conduct
a. confidentiality and HIPAA
b. role boundaries
c. teamwork with other interpreters
d. interpretation delivery, e.g. face-to face, telephone, video
e. dress code
4. maintaining personal and professional boundaries
5. conflict management
6. recordkeeping for interpreting encounters
a. interpretation encounter logs and reports
b. glossary building
c. healthcare resource directory
7. liability insurance, e.g. errors and omissions
8. self-care
a. physical safety
b. high-stress situations
c. emotional well-being
D. Interpretation for special populations, e.g.
1. trauma survivors
2. mental health clients
3. genetic counseling clients
4. the elderly
5. end-of-life clients
III. Evaluation of Seminar Requirements
A. Self-assessment of personal strengths and challenges during externship
1. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable, and Timed) objectives
2. methods for receiving personal feedback
3. self-monitoring
B. Competent practice under supervision
1. simulated interpreting encounters
2. level-of-skill development
3. glossary of medical terminology in English and LOS
4. community healthcare resource directory
5. comprehensive role-play interpretation final exam required for HCI Certificate of Achievement
C. Report and oral presentation regarding interpreting experiences
D. Final evaluation with instructor/language coach/preceptor
E. ePortfolio and resume completion
1. interpreting samples
2. instructor/language coach and preceptor review
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1. Select and evaluate personal objectives for externship.
2. Review and translate designated medical terminology weekly.
3. Read and discuss 3-10 current articles regarding healthcare interpreting
4. Review relevant information from required texts and other materials to prepare for interpreting encounters. Note resource use in log of specific interpreting encounter.
5. Share requested elements from weekly log of interpreting encounters.
6. Use and add to glossary of relevant terminology in English and LOS.
7. Add to and utilize community healthcare resource directory.
8. Write a 4-6 page report on interpreting experiences and give 7-15 min. oral presentation on experiences
9. Practice 3-5 simulated interpretation role-plays (during seminar and outside of class) and complete a comprehensive final exam interpretation role-play. Successful completion required to receive HCI Certificate of Achievement.
10. Complete ePortfolio, adding interpreting samples, references. Review ePortfolio with instructor/language coach and share with preceptor. Revise as necessary.
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California Standards for Healthcare Interpreters: Ethical Principles, Protocols and Guidance on Roles and Intervention, 2002
Kaiser Permanente: Trilingual Glossary, 2012
Medical dictionary or glossary in English and Language of Service (LOS) - various publications to be used depending on LOS MedlinePlus
National Council on Interpreting in Health Care Standards and Code of Ethics, 2007 (Classic)
Roleplay Manual, CCSF-HCI program, 2007
The Complete Human Body--The Definitive Visual Guide, Alice Roberts, D.K. Publishing, NY, 2010 (Classic)
Instructor prepared materials, e.g.:
Writing SMART Objectives
Preparing for Externship
Preceptor Folder forms, Evaluations
Interpreting for Trauma Survivors
Elder Abuse Prevention for Healthcare Interpreters
Interpreting for LGBTQ LEP Clients