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1. Compare and contrast HCI models of provider-interpreter-client dynamics.
2. Identify ways that providers and interpreters together can enhance communication with
3. Identify ways that differences in communication styles may be handled in the HCI-healthcare
provider-client relationship.
4. Describe how differences in cultural beliefs and practices may influence the HCI-client
provider relationship, and develop strategies to improve cultural awareness and sensitivity.
5. Compare and contrast use of the HCI modes: consecutive, simultaneous, summarization
interpretation, and sight translation.
6. Describe the order of interpreting protocols to follow before, during, and after an initial
interpreting encounter, related to client, provider, and HCI.
7. Identify problems that may arise in interpretation and strategies for resolution.
8. Compare and contrast scope of practice, standards of practice and ethical principles in
healthcare interpreting.
9. Analyze and describe current laws, regulations and policies that relate to HCI models.
10. List ways to evaluate and enhance competent basic medical vocabulary in English and
Language of Service (LOS) related to common medical conditions, treatments, and
procedures in health care.
11. Utilize ePortfolio software, library technical assistance, and instructor/peer review to add to
and revise HCI professional ePortfolio to preserve and showcase accomplishments,
knowledge and learning experiences during the HCI program.
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I. General Course Introduction
A. Expectations
B. Course objectives and syllabus
C. Grading and attendance
II. Healthcare Interpreting Modes
A. Consecutive
B. Simultaneous
C. Summarizations
D. Sight translation
III. Interpreting Protocols
A. Describing role of interpreter
B. Use of first person
C. Positioning
D. Conducting pre-session
E. Interpreting for groups
F. Intervention techniques
1. speaking in first or third person
2. transparency
IV. Interpreter Roles
A. Message converter
B. Message clarifier
C. Culture clarifier
1. recognizing and managing cultural misunderstandings
2. recognizing own cultural biases and maintaining objectivity
D. Client advocate
1. identifying systems barriers to communication
2. resources to handle barriers
V. Culture's Impact on Health and Health Care
A. What is culture and how can it impact health and care?
B. Concepts and terms from client's perspective, regarding human body and functions,
description of symptoms, origins of illness, and who makes medical decisions for the client
C. Expectations of providers, facilities, insurance
1. How do providers view origins of illness, health professional-client relationships, and
2. How do facilities and insurance companies affect the client's decision-making?
D. Cultural awareness, sensitivity, and humility
E. Cross-cultural communication
1. forms of address
2. politeness indicators
3. taking turns and interrupting
4. body language
5. styles and power dynamics: aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive, assertive
F. Language elements
1. regional and social dialects
2. register and style
3. idiomatic speech, colloquialisms, and expletives
4. literal and figurative
5. message analysis
VI. Overview of Healthcare Systems
A. U.S. healthcare systems and systems in other countries
B. Acronyms and terminology, including insurance; e.g. HMO, co-pay
C. Primary and specialty care
D. Categories of HCIs
E. Venues
VII. Laws, standards, policies and regulations pertaining to healthcare interpreting
A. Title VI, Section 601, Civil Rights Act of 1964
B. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996
C. Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services, Department of Health
and Human Services, 2001
D. The Joint Commission
E. Americans with Disability Act
F. Health Care Language Assistance Act, SB853
G. Affordable Care Act
H. Other current local, state and national policies regarding language and cultural access to
health care
VIII. Standards of practice and ethical principles
A. Ethical applications in healthcare interpreting
B. California Healthcare Interpreting Association (CHIA) standards of practice and ethical
IX. Medical interview routines and decision-making
A. Overview of common healthcare interview routines
B. Process of diagnosis
X. Medical concepts and terminology
A. Basic anatomy and physiology, body systems
B. Basic medical terminology, body systems
C. Common diseases
D. Signs and symptoms
E. Diagnostic procedures
F. Common treatments, medications, and equipment
XI. Resources for interpreters
A. Associations and organizations for interpreters and translators
B. Locating reliable medical information websites
C. Community resources
XII. ePortfolio development and revision
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1. Read 10-20 pages in textbooks per week
2. Read 5-10 assigned readings (3-20 pages) from supplemental materials
3. Write 1-2 page analyses on 3-6 case studies and present in class (1-3 min)
4. Write 2-3 page paper on culture and health and present in class (3-5 min)
5. Write 3-5 page paper on medical topic and present in class (5-10 min)
6. Critique assigned ethics article and answer 4-9 questions re ethical principles and standards of
7. Label 4-8 body system diagrams and complete 5-10 pathophysiology exercises
8. Complete website search exercise for accurate medical information and community resources
9. Collect artifacts from coursework, experience, and reflections to add to ePortfolio website.
Consult library experts for technical assistance. Near end of semester, share weblink with
small group of peers through forum in Insight. Each student will review and give feedback
to at least two peers. Revise ePortfolio based on feedback from instructor and/or peers
10. Complete quizzes (5-10) and final exam on basic medical knowledge and interpreting skills
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Healthwise Handbook. Kaiser Permanente. current edition
The Complete Human Body-The Definitive Visual Guide. 2nd ed. Roberts, Alice. D.K. Publishing. 2016
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Fadiman, Ann. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. 2012 (classic)
Healthcare Interpreting in Small Bites. Roat, Cynthia. 2010 (classic)
Role-play Manual, CCSF-HCI program. 2007 (classic)
National Council on Interpreting in Health Care Standards and Code of Ethics. online
California Standards for Healthcare Interpreters: Ethical Principles, Protocols and Guidance on Roles and Intervention. online
Medical dictionary or glossary in English and Language of Service (LOS)-various publications to be used depending on LOS MedlinePlus
Instructor prepared materials