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Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify where geologic hazards do and do not occur
2. Determine why a geologic pattern occurs in certain areas and not others
3. Identify other phenomena such as human created features that are spatially associated with the hazard
4. Manipulate map views and query databases with GIS software to analyze observed spatial patterns
5. Evaluate the risk of particular geologic hazards occurring to human life and property at a specific site or region
6. Create a custom map of geologic risk assessment using professional cartographic presentation
7. Repeating students will gain enhanced skills and proficiencies through learning and applying methodologies and tools from updated and upgraded versions of the software.
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1. World-wide distribution of landform features
a. Patterns in seafloor topography, earthquakes and volcanoes
b. Plate motion data
c. Spatial patterns and data to identify and classify plate boundaries
2. Spatial patterns of plate tectonics
a. Rate of spreading of the Atlantic Ocean
b. Plate spreading rate change across the globe
c. Juan de Fuca plate
d. Hawaiian Islands and rate of motion of the Pacific tectonic plate
e. San Andreas Fault
3. Distribution of earthquakes and seismic risk
a. Deadly earthquake patterns throughout history
b. Earthquake destructive potential
c. Impact of seismic risk on economic and demographic growth
4. Distribution of volcano hazards and explosive risk
a. Historic volacanic record
b. Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)
c. Effects of major eruptions on climate
d. Effects of the most explosive volcanoes in history
5. Tsunami hazards
a. Major tsunami events
b. Tsunamis and communities: preparedness and aftermath
c. Tsunami trigger events and criteria for issuing tsunami warnings
6. Geo-hazards and identifying risk in Sonoma County
a. Distribution of historic earthquakes for Sonoma County
b. Seismic shaking maps for Sonoma County
c. Tsunami risk assessment for Sonoma County
d. Population at risk and infrastructure
7. With repeat: Updated versions of software - methodologies and tools.
Writing: Assessment tools that demonstrate writing skill and/or require students to select, organize and explain ideas in writing. | Writing 20 - 30% |
Biweekly writing assignments | |
Problem solving: Assessment tools, other than exams, that demonstrate competence in computational or non-computational problem solving skills. | Problem Solving 20 - 30% |
Semester project and bi-weekly lab assignments | |
Skill Demonstrations: All skill-based and physical demonstrations used for assessment purposes including skill performance exams. | Skill Demonstrations 30 - 40% |
Mid-term and final exam | |
Exams: All forms of formal testing, other than skill performance exams. | Exams 20 - 30% |
Multiple choice, completion, true-false, short answer | |
Other: Includes any assessment tools that do not logically fit into the above categories. | Other Category 0 - 0% |
None | |
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Exploring the Dynamic Earth: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences. Hall, Michelle K.; Walker, C. Scott; Huth, Anne K.; Butler, Robert F.; Kendall, Larry P.; and Jenness, Jeff S., ArcGIS Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, California: 2007
Various readings from Internet sites, including, the United States Geological Survey, University of California Berkeley Seismic Lab, and California Institute of Technology (CalTech).