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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Identify course objectives, requirements, assignments, activities, evaluation methods and participation requirements
2. Identify the different levels in the Fire Officer Certification track, the courses and requirements for Level I and II certification and the capstone task book and testing process
3. Describe the process for obtaining information regarding travel route, assignment, time needed and point of contact from a dispatch agency when responding to a wildland incident
4. Develop an initial report on conditions that communicates the required incident information to a communications center and update as needed
5. Demonstrate the ability to size up an incident to formulate an incident action plan (IAP) that sets incident objectives and applies strategies and tactics according to agency policies and procedures
6. Evaluate incident conditions, progress, changes in fuels, topography, weather, fire behavior and other significant events and communicating these conditions to the supervisor and other personnel
7. Describe the process of establishing a correctly situated Incident Command Post (ICP) and communicating its location
8. Describe the appropriate medical treatment for an injured firefighter and required notifications following agency policies and using the Incident Command System (ICS) 206 Medical Plan form
9. Demonstrate the ability to deploy resources to suppress a wildland fire, taking all appropriate suppression actions and ensuring for safety of personnel
10. Demonstrate the ability to communicate updates with supervisors and other personnel on the progress of the incident, changes in conditions, fire behavior and other significant events
11. Demonstrate the ability to analyze incident needs, order additional and/or release excess resources in accordance with agency policies and procedures
12. Describe how to provide for assigned resources logistical service and support needs in accordance with agency policies
13. Demonstrate the ability to complete the transfer of command using the ICS 201 Incident Briefing form and ensuring the new Incident Commander has the information necessary to operate
14. Demonstrate the ability to deploy resources to mop up a wildland fire to ensure extinguishment
15. Describe the process of completing wildland fire suppression operations and return resources to service following agency policies and procedures
16. Describe how to evaluate assigned personnel to ensure they are capable of safely performing assigned tasks, identify individuals who have not met standards and to take corrective actions when needed
17. Describe how to verify the qualifications of assigned personnel to ensure their skills are appropriate, how to identify and report deficiencies and take corrective action when needed
18. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate job performance of assigned personnel using the ICS 225 Incident Personnel Performance Rating form
19. Demonstrate the ability to maintain wildland incident records and document required information
20. Demonstrate the ability to complete personnel time and equipment use records in accordance with established policies and procedures
21. Demonstrate the ability to prepare final incident reports for an extinguished wildland fire
22. Describe the process for responding to requests for incident information following agency policies and procedures
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I. Orientation and Administration
A. Review of facilities
B. Review of classroom requirements
C. Review of syllabus, participation, assignments and evaluation methods
II. Fire Officer Certification Track Course Requirements
A. Level I requirements
B. Level II requirements
C. The capstone task book process
D. The capstone testing process
III. Obtaining Information from Dispatch
A. Dispatch agency procedures
B. Response to incidents under different jurisdictional authorities
C. Local and Office of Emergency Services (OES) resource requests
D. Planned need, immediate need and initial attack dispatches
IV. Developing Reports on Conditions - Relevant Incident Information to be Communicated
A. Initial radio report
B. Follow-up report on conditions
C. Incident updates
V. Formulating an Incident Action Plan
A. Elements of a wildland size-up
B. Interpreting fire behavior
C. Resource availability and capability
D. Identifying values at risk
E. Incident objectives
F. Wildland fire suppression strategies
G. Tactical priorities
I. Use of the ICS 201 form in wildland firefighting
VI. Evaluating and Reporting Ongoing Incident Conditions
A. Evaluating wildland fire weather, fuels and topographical information
B. Current and predicted fire behavior
C. Incident conditions and changing the plan of action
VII. Factors Affecting the Establishment of an Incident Command Post (ICP)
A. Safety
B. Access to incoming resources
C. Communication needs
VIII. Providing for Emergency Medical Treatment
A. Local medical protocols
B. Agency accident and illness reporting procedures
C. Use of the ICS 206 Medical Plan form
IX. Deploying Resources to Suppress a Wildland Fire
A. Fireline location and construction techniques
B. Firing operations and authority for use
C. Firefighting personnel and equipment capabilities
D. Radio communications capabilities and protocols
E. Techniques for deploying assigned resources
F. Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) incident priorities
G. WUI tactical actions and guidelines
X. Updating Supervisors, Crew Members and Adjoining Personnel
A. Hazards and factors related to the wildland fire environment
B. Methods of communicating pertinent updated information
XI. Analyzing Incident Needs
A. Determining resource needs
B. Jurisdictional policies and procedures related to resource ordering and release
XII. Providing for Assigned Resource Needs
A. Short and long-term needs as required by the incident
B. Logistical support and services
XIII. Providing Information to the Replacement Incident Commander
A. Policies and procedures for transfer of command
B. Information to be communicated during the transfer of command
XIV. Deploying Resources to Mop up a Wildland Fire
A. Environmental factors
B. Capabilities of resources
C. Conducting risk assessment
XV. Demobilization and Termination of an Incident
XVI. Procedures for Observing, Evaluating, Counseling and Documenting Personnel as to Fitness for Duty in Accordance with Agency Policies and Procedures
XVII. Verifying Personnel Qualifications
A. Qualification standards
B. Assessing personnel qualifications for assignments in accordance with agency policies and procedures
XVIII. Procedures for Using the ICS 225 Incident Personnel Performance Rating form
XIX. Agency Incident Documentation Procedures
XX. Policies and Procedures for Proper Record Keeping
XXI. Incident Reporting Policies and Procedures
XXII. Policies and Procedures for the Release of Incident Information