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Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the purpose and value of company inspections and the opportunities the company officer has to improve fire safety and analyze significant loss fires.
2. Describe the National Incident Fire Reporting System (NFIRS) and the California Incident Reporting System (CAIRS) and identify the need for incident reporting.
3. Describe the components of a Community Risk Analysis (CRA), a company officer's role, and its relationship to civilian, and firefighter casualties and property loss.
4. Describe fire and life safety education programs, presentation methods and the five step education process.
5. Identify the purpose and source for the California Fire Inspector's Guide and describe the various permit types.
6. Describe the California Statutes, regulations, local codes and standards that give the company officer the authority to conduct inspections.
7. Identify occupancy classifications, the hazards associated with each and the different types of target hazards.
8. Identify building construction types and the fire behavior associated with each.
9. Describe the purpose and goals of the pre-incident planning process.
10. Describe the three goals of a company inspection.
11. Describe the role of the company officer in the code enforcement and appeals process.
12. Identify the documentation and data necessary to prepare a fire inspection.
13. Demonstrate the ability to properly inspect and follow up on an occupancy inspection.
14. Describe the different types and features of fire alarms, detection and smoke control systems.
15. Demonstrate the ability to properly inspect fire extinguishers, fire protection systems, cooking equipment and fire alarm systems.
16. Identify building construction features designed to limit fire, heat and smoke spread.
17. Describe the duties associated with fire watch and fire stand-by activities and the situations that require it.
18. Identify the hazards and safety requirements associated with special occupancies such as storage facilities, heat producting equipment, tents, hazardous processes and fuel dispensing.
19. Describe the documentation, markings and placarding required when storing hazardous materials.
20. Define the term Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and describe the threats and risks associated with fires in the WUI and prevention tools suited to the WUI environment.
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I. The purpose and value of company inspections
A. Pre-fire evaluations
B. Risk reduction
C. Community relations
D. Liability
II. Fire incident reporting systems
III. Components of a Community Risk Analysis
A. Event identification
B. Frequency and consequence analysis
C. Risk estimation and control
D. Relationship of civilian and firefighter casualties
IV. Life safety education programs
A. Program types
B. Presentation methods
C. Five step education process
V. California Fire Inspector's Guide and permit types
A. Applicable California fire codes
B. Applicable California building Codes
C. Permit types
1. Operational
2. Construction
VI. Statutes, regulations and standards
A. Statutes
1. Health and Safety code
2. Public Resources code
B. California Code of Regulations
1. Title 19, Public Safety
2. Title 24 Part 2, California Building Standards Code
3. Title 24 Part 9, California Fire Code
C. National Standards (National Fire Protection Agency)
1. NFPA 10
2. NFPA 25
3. NFPA 72
VII. Occupancy classifications and their associated hazards
A. Occupancy types
B. Mixed use occupancies
C. Specific hazards
1. Egress
2. Housekeeping
3. Electrical
D. Target hazards
VIII. Building construction types and fire behavior associated with each
A. Types 1-V
B. Fire resistive construction
C. Non-fire resistive construction
D. Associated fire behavior
IX. The pre-incident planning process
A. Components
B. Planning
C. Conducting
X. Goals of a company inspection program
A. Occupant safety is improved
B. Building is in compliance
C. Occupants educated in safe practices
XI. The role of the company officer
A. Identifying code violations
B. Determining severity
C. Initiating the compliance process
D. Describing the appeals process
XII. Preparing for and documenting fire inspections
A. Preparation
1. Coordinating with the prevention bureau
2. Reviewing occupancy history
B. Documents
1. Inspector guide
2. Inspection forms
a. Completion of required fields
b. Proper description of violations and regulatory citations
3. Inspection checklists
XIII. Conducting fire inspections
A. Scheduling
B. Appearance and identification
C. Communication
1. Interpersonal skills
2. Non-verbal communication
3. Listening skills
D. Inspection process
1. Introduction
2. Explaining purpose
3. Obtaining permission
4. Verifying occupancy use and construction type
5. Systematic inspection approach
6. Verification of permits
7. Review of findings
8. Schedule re-inspection
9. Specific hazards
a. Flammable liquids
b. Compressed gas cylinders
c. Fire separations
d. Electrical hazards
e. Exit access, doors and exit hardware
f. Housekeeping
g. Weed abatement
10. Addressing immediate hazards
11. Procedure for failing to comply.
XIV. Fire alarm and detection systems
A.Types of fire alarm systems
B.Fire alarm system features
C.Smoke control systems
XV. Inspection and maintenance of fire protection systems and equipment
A.Fire extinguishers
B.Sprinkler and standpipe systems
D.Cooking extinguishing systems
E.Fire alarm systems
XVI. Building construction fire prevention features
A.Fire walls
B.Fire doors
C.Roofing materials
D.Smoke vents
E.Draft stops
XVII. Fire watch and standby activities
A.Situations that require fire watch
B.Fire watch duties
C.Documentation required for fire watch
XVIII. Special occupancies
A.Storage facilities
B.Heat Producing appliances
C.Tents and membrane structures
D. Fuel dispensing
XIX. Hazardous Material inspection
C.Storage and use
XX. Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
A.Definition of
B.WUI threats
C.Wildfire causes
D.WUI incident risk factors
E.WUI prevention and education tools
F.WUI requirements