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The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. 8th. Bausch, Richard and Cassill, R.V. Norton: 2015 (classic).
The Story and Its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction; Compact 10th. Charters, Ann. Bedford: 2018 (classic).
The Best American Short Stories. Diaz, Junot, series ed. Mariner: 2016 (classic).
The Oxford Book of American Short Stories. Oates, Joyce Carol. Oxford: 2012 (classic).
40 Short Stories: A Portable Anthology 6th. Lawn, Beverly, ed. Bedford: 2020.
The Dangers of Smoking in Bed, Stories. Enriquez, Mariana. Hogarth Press, 2022.
The Consequences, Stories. Munoz, Manuel. Greywolf Press. 2022
Great Short Stories by African American Writers. Rudisel, Christine. Dover. 2015 (classic).
Great Short Stories by Contemporary Native American Writers Blaisdell, Bob. 2014 (classic).
Jesus' Son, Stories. Johnson, Denis. Picador. 2009 (classic).
The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories. Carter, Angela. Penguin. 2015 (classic).
40 Short Stories. Kindle Edition. Bedford. 2020.