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Course objectives are written to conform with those standards outlined in
chapter 1260 of the 1992 Statutes of the Health & Safety Code and Title 22
Division 9, Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services of the California
Administrative Code. Objectives listed are for the state mandated
divisions to be completed in an approved advanced life support unit
(ambulance). Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able
1.Demonstrate communication skills and leadership needed in the pre-
hospital setting.
2.Demonstrate complete patient assessment.
3.Demonstrate all methods of delivering oxygen therapy to patients as it
relates to pre-hospital setting.
4. Demonstrate ability to establish venous access.
5. Calculate drug doses and intravenous drip rates.
6. Demonstrate affective application of appropriate patient treatment
7. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of patient with airway emergency.
8. Demonstrate skills necessary to splint/immobilize all types of soft
tissue and musculoskeletal injuries.
9. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of chest trauma.
10. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of abdominal trauma.
11. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of head & spinal cord injuries.
12. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of a patient with multi system
13. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of a patient with burns.
14. Recognize normal and abnormal cardiac rhythms.
15. Administer appropriate chemicals to treat abnormal cardiac rhythms.
16. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of a patient with a cardiovascular
17. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of patient with a respiratory
18. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of a patient under the influence
of alcohol or other chemical substance.
19. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of genitourinary & reproductive
20. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of a patient with an identified
emergency of the endocrine, nervous, gastrointestinal system.
21. Demonstrate proper technique of handling infectious disease issues in
the pre-hospital setting.
22. Demonstrate the assessment and treatment of a pediatric patient in the
pre-hospital setting.
23. Demonstrate assisting a pre-hospital delivery.
24. Demonstrate assessment and treatment of a neonate.
25. Demonstrate pre-hospital management of a patient exhibiting a
behavioral emergency.
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The following will relate to work in the out-of-hospital and ambulance
1. Practical application of paramedic theory and skills in the field
a. radio communication
b. written communication
c. leadership
2. Assessment and management of adult and pediatric patient with
medical/surgical emergencies
a. airway management
b. intravenous therapy
3. Assessment and management of adult and pediatric patient with
trauma emergencies.
4. Review anatomy and physiology of the adult and pediatric patient.
5. Electrocardiology
a. review criteria
b. treatment protocols
6. Assessment and management of obstetrical patient.
7. Assessment & management of adults and pediatrics with cardio
vascular emergencies.
8. Field management of patients experiencing behavioral emergencies.
9. Management of patients under the influence of drug and/or alcohol.
10. Infection control and precautions.
11. Development of problem solving strategies for patient care.
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Students are assigned regular working hours (12 - 56 hrs/week) to
conform with their field preceptor's schedule. Students maintain a log
book and an electronic date base of all patient contacts and skill
preformed. These items will reflect student performance in areas
including but not limited to identification of dysrhythmias, oxygen
administration, patient assessment and management of the ill or injured
patient. Based on field contacts students will complete:
1. 40 patient care reports
2. daily self evaluations
3. prepare oral scenarios
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Bledsoe et al. Paramedic Principles and Practice, 2001
Infor Med. ALS Version EMS Field Guide, 14th Edition