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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Discuss the steps to the state licensure process in becoming a registered dental hygienist
2. Explain how the principles of dental hygiene relate to each specialty, including the referral process
3. Describe the examination and diagnostic techniques used for patient assessment in determining when it is appropriate to refer a patient for specialty care with a periodontist, orthodontist, oral surgeon, oral medicine specialist
4. Discuss specific behavioral techniques that work with children and provide positive reinforcement particularly in a pediatric dental office
5. Explain the legal concepts in the dental hygienist-patient relationships, the dental hygienist-dentist relationship, and employer-employee relationships
6. Describe the role of the Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice (RDHAP) including their role in schools, care facilities, residences of homebound individuals, and dental health professional shortage areas
7. Apply ergonomic principles in dental hygiene practice and describe how repetitive strain injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders may impact longer-term employment
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I. American Dental Association (ADA) Recognized Specialties
A. oral and maxillofacial surgery
B. orthodontics
C. pediatrics
D. oral medicine
E. periodontics
II. General Dentistry
A. scope of practice
B. role of the dental hygienist
1. collaborative treatment planning
2. oral hygiene procedures
C. technology used in restorative dentistry
III. California employment law
A. limitations
B. regulations
C. liability
1. negligence
2. malpractice
3. abandonment
IV. Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
A. scope of practice
B. diagnostic techniques and procedures
C. indications and contraindications
D types of surgeries and post-operative care
E. technology used in oral surgery
F. role of the dental hygienist
V. Orthodontics
A. scope of practice
B. diagnostic techniques and procedures
C. indications and contraindications
D. technology used in orthodontics
E. role of the dental hygienist
VI. Pediatric Dentistry
A. scope of practice
B. diagnostic techniques and procedures
C. patient management techniques
D. indications and contraindications
E. technology used in pediatrics
F. role of the dental hygienist
VII. Oral Medicine
A. diagnostic techniques and procedures
B. patient education
C. role of the dental hygienist
VIII. Periodontics
A. scope of practice
B. diagnostic techniques and procedures
C. patient management techniques
D. indications and contraindications
E. technology used in periodontics
F. role of the dental hygienist
IX. Interdisciplinary Patient Care
A. role of the Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice
B. hospitalized patient
C. long-term care patient
D. homebound patient
X. Licensure Process
A. registration
1. state patient/manikin
2. fingerprinting
3. law and ethics
B. filing for licensure
XI. Overall Body Health in Dental Hygiene Practice
A. body mechanics
B. occupational induced injury and pain
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Darby and Walsh Dental Hygiene, 5th Edition Denise M. Bowen, RDH, MS and Jennifer A Pieren, RDH, MS 2020
Instructor prepared materials on CANVAS