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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Locate and utilize the publication that contains OSHA standards.
2. Summarize employer and employee rights and responsibilities required by OSHA standards.
3. Describe the ways bloodborne pathogen exposure commonly occurs, key aspects of a
Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan, and steps to take if exposed.
4. Describe the main electrical hazards that may be encountered at a workplace and discuss
methods of protection.
5. Identify requirements essential to providing a safe means of escape from fire and similar
6. Describe requirements for fire detection and suppression equipment.
7. Explain how to properly handle, store and use flammable and combustible liquids with a flash
point below 200° F.
8. Identify hazards that are lessened or eliminated by using the appropriate personal protective
equipment (PPE).
9. Explain components of an appropriate Hazard Communication (HazCom) program.
10. Identify key pieces of information found on each Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
11. Discuss the benefits and elements of an effective safety and health program.
12. Describe the main causes of machine accidents and the requirements for safeguards.
13. Describe requirements to consider in order to avoid walking/working surface hazards related
to floors, walls, holes, stairways, platforms, ladders, and scaffolding.
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I. Introduction to OSHA
A. Standards
B. Requirements
C. Recordkeeping and reporting
D. Worker's rights and responsibilities
E. Employer's rights and responsibilities
F. Workplace inspections
G. Sources of assistance for information, standards, consultation and emergencies
H. OSHA website information and resources
II. Bloodborne Pathogens
A. Common bloodborne pathogen exposures
B. Workers who are at risk
C. Exposure control plan
D. Universal precautions
E. Engineering and work practice controls
F. Personal protective equipment
G. Housekeeping standards
H. Regulated waste
I. Laundry handling
J. Hepatitis B vaccination requirements
K. What to do if an exposure occurs
L. Biohazard warning labels
M. Medical recordkeeping requirements
III. Electrical
A. Electrical terminology
B. Electrical shock, electrical burns, and falls
C. Hazards
D. Protective measures
IV. Safe Means of Escape
A. Exit routes
B. Emergency action plans
C. Fire prevention plan
D. Fire protection
V. Flammable and Combustible Liquids
A. Primary hazards
B. Classes
C. Safe handling and storage
VI. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
A. Protecting employees from workplace hazards
B. Engineering controls
C. Work practice controls
D. Hazard assessment
E. PPE examples for eye protection, hearing protection, foot and hand protection, face
protection, and body protection
F. Establishing a PPE program
VII. Hazard Communication (HazCom)
A. Purpose of OSHA's hazard communication standard
B. Employer responsibilities
C. HazCom program requirements
D. Material Safety Data Sheets
VIII. Safety and Health Programs
A. Benefits
B. Major elements of effective programs
C. Management commitment and employee involvement
D. Policy and goals
IX. Machine Guarding
A. Main causes of machine accidents
B. Requirements for safeguards
C. Types of machine guards
D. Situations that warrant machine guarding
X. Walking/Working Surfaces
A. Terminology
B. General requirements for hazard avoidance
C. OSHA standards
Untitled document
OSHA Outreach Student Handout Packet (#OSHA-HDT). 2018
1926-OSHA Construction Industry Regulations. MANCOMM, Inc. 2017
Instructor prepared materials