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Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Assemble graphics and tables in Word.
2. Create Word documents with multiple columns and special formats.
3. Organize and format Excel worksheets.
4. Produce queries in Access.
5. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation.
6. Integrate an Excel worksheet into a Word document.
7. Design links to automatically update an Excel workbook or chart in Word.
8. Integrate text from Word into Excel.
9. Import and assemble data from Excel into Access.
10. Design links to automatically update an Excel workbook in Access.
11. Import and assemble an Access table into a Word document.
12. Import and assemble an Excel worksheet into a PowerPoint presentation.
13. Integrate a Word table into a PowerPoint presentation.
14. Prepare files from the Internet for assembly to Word, Access, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Untitled document
1. Using Graphics and Tables in Word
a. Inserting and formatting graphics
b. Setting tab stops and using Click and Type
c. Inserting and modifying text boxes and shapes
d. Creating and formatting a table
2. Special Document Formats, Columns, and Mail Merge in Word
a. Using Collect and Paste to gather images and text
b. Pasting information from the Clipboard Task Pane
c. Creating and formatting columns
d. Using special character and paragraph formatting
e. Creating mailing labels using Mail Merge
f. Creating a Web Page
3. Using Functions and Tables in Excel
a. Using SUM, AVERAGE, MEDIAN, MIN, and MAX functions
b. Using COUNTIF and IF functions
c. Applying conditional formatting
d. Using the NOW function
e. Freezing and unfreezing frames
f. Converting a table to a range of data
g. Printing large worksheets
h. Making financial decisions using financial functions and What-If analysis
4. Using Forms, Filters, and Reports in Access
a. Creating forms to enter and display data in a database
b. Modifying a form in Design View and in Layout View
c. Filtering data by selection of one field
d. Creating a report by using the Report Tool
e. Keeping data together and printing a report
5. Enhancing a PowerPoint Presentation with Animation, Tables, and Charts
a. Customizing slide backgrounds and Themes
b. Animating a slide show
c. Creating and modifying tables and charts
6. Using Access Data with Other Office Programs
a. Exporting Access data to Excel
b. Creating a formula for calculation in Excel
c. Creating a chart in Excel
d. Copying Access data to a Word document
e. Copying Excel data to a Word document
f. Adding an Excel chart to a PowerPoint presentation
7. Using Tables in Word and Excel
a. Starting Word and planning the table
b. Entering data and formatting a table in Word
c. Creating a table in Word from Excel data
d. Creating an Excel worksheet from a Word table
8. Using Excel as a Data Source in a Mail Merge
a. Preparing a Mail Merge document for mailing labels
b. Selecting the data source for the mailing labels from an Excel worksheet
c. Producing and saving the merged mailing labels
9. Linking Data in Office Documents
a. Inserting and linking an Excel object in Word
b. Revising a linked Excel worksheet and updating the links in Word
c. Opening a Word document that includes a linked object and uploading the links
10. Creating PowerPoint Presentation Content from Office Documents
a. Inserting a Word outline into PowerPoint
b. Importing Excel data into a chart in PowerPoint
c. Inserting a hyperlink into a PowerPoint slide