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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Explain safe and sanitary techniques for processing beef, sheep and pork carcasses into
wholesale cuts and retail products.
2. Discuss current trends, challenges and issues impacting the meats industry.
3. Outline industry-approved procedures for harvesting beef cattle, sheep and swine.
4. Identify the wholesale and retail cuts of beef, sheep and swine carcasses.
5. Demonstrate safe and sanitary methods for maintaining and utilizing meat processing tools,
equipment, and facilities.
6. Explain the application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans in the meat
science industry.
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I. The Meat Processing Industry
A. Historical perspective
B. Purpose and economic importance
C. Future trends and technologies
II. Regulations and Compliance
A. Food safety and inspection
B. State and Federal laws
C. Policies and trade unions
III. Equipment and Facilities
A. Safety procedures and conditions
B. Maintenance and operation of food processing equipment
C. Sanitation
IV. Food Safety Considerations
A. Disease Risk
B. Contaminants
C. Prevention
V. Meat and Edible By-Products
A. Composition and nutrition value
B. Health and consumer awareness
VI. Meat Processing
A. Handling and cutting techniques
B. Fabrication and specification
C. Wholesale cuts
D. Retail Cut
C. Packaging and preservation
VII. Process Meat Products
A. Curing and smoking
B. Meat cookery, canning and drying
C. Sausage and seasonings
D. Additives and preservatives
VIII. Storage and Distribution
A. Shelf life and deterioration
B. Freezing and refrigeration
C. Handling and transportation
IX. Marketing Research
A. Consumer acceptance
B. New and artificial meat products
C. Product development
D. Market considerations
X. Introduction to Evaluation
A. Live Animal
B. Carcass
C. Grading
D. Performance Data
XI. Growth, Development and Fattening Meat Animals
Lab Outline:
I. Safety in the Meats Lab
A. Attire & Footwear
B. Knife Selection, Sharpening & Care
C. Safety Procedures
D. Sanitation Procedures & Protocol
II. Harvesting Livestock
III. Evaluation and Processing Carcasses
IV. Retail and Wholesale Cut Identification
V. Meat Handling and Storage
VI. Meat Product Preparation
A. Thawing Procedures
B. Seasoning Methods & Ingredients
C. Cooking Methods
D. Meat Processing
F. Product Evaluation
VII. Live Animal Evaluation
VIII. Carcass Evaluation
IX. Growth, Development and Fattening Meat Animals
X. Food Safety and HACCP plan development
Untitled document
Principles of Meat Science. 5th ed. Aberle, Elton and Forrest, John and Gerrard, David. Kendall Hunt. 2012 (classic)
Meat Science Laboratory Manual. 8th ed. Savell, Jeff and Smith, G. American Press. 2009 (classic)