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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Plan and run business meetings in agriculture using parliamentary procedures
2. Discuss leadership theories and leadership styles
3. Develop leadership traits and communication skills, both oral and written
4. Organize, coordinate, and implement a group activity
5. Explain group dynamics and team development in organizations
6. Discuss best practices for developing leadership skills that embrace equity, diversity, and inclusion within agriculture organizations
7. Participate in activities by cooperating and working with others in a variety of agricultural business organizations
8. Plan, implement, and evaluate a community event for the agriculture industry
9. Develop and deliver agriculture-related presentations for both educational and community settings
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I. Leadership
A. Definition of leadership
B. Leadership versus management
C. Study of behavioral/leadership theories
D. Leadership styles
E. Developing leadership traits and communication skills
II. Developing Leaders
A. Models of leadership development
B. Importance of personal leadership development
C. Group leadership
III. Leadership in Groups and Teams
A. Group dynamics and development
B. Team leadership
C. Managing conflict in groups
D. Group decision making
E. Evaluation of group performance
IV. Motivation
A. Definition of motivation
B. Importance of motivation in leadership
C. Theories of motivation
D. Motivating team members
V. Leadership, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Agriculture Organizations
A. Organizational culture
B. Developing and supporting positive and trusting team culture
C. Leadership and diversity
1. understanding and managing equity and diversity
2. fostering and promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion
D. Leadership, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in agriculture organizations
E. Ethical behavior and leadership
VI. Planning and Running Effective Meetings using Parliamentary Procedure
A. Purpose and terminology of Parliamentary Procedure
B. Organizational structures, constitutions, and by-laws
C. Developing agendas and organizing meetings
D. Officer and member responsibilities
E. Committees - functions, organization, and leadership
F. Running meetings using parliamentary procedures
VII. Time management
A. Time management and leadership
B. Four levels of time management
C. Effective time management practices for leaders
VIII. Event Planning, Agriculture Literacy and Outreach
A. Effective presentation skills
B. Developing promotional materials for agriculture education.
C. Planning and running educational outreach events
D. Co-sponsoring events with agriculture industry partners
E. Organizing/ participating in agriculture conferences/workshops
IX. Personal Growth and Development as Related to Agribusiness
A. Developing a personal portfolio
B. Job interview preparation
C. Career planning
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Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice (5th). Northhouse, Peter G. Publications, Inc: 2020
Leadership Personal Development and Career Success (4th). Ricketts, C. and Ricketts, J. Cengage Learning: 2017
Effective Leadership: Theory, Cases, and Applications (1st). Humphrey, Ronald H. Sage: 2013
Robert's Rules of Order (12th). Robert, Henry M., Honemann, Daniel H., Balch, Thomas J., Seabold, Daniel E., & Gerber, Shmuel. Public Affairs: 2020