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IAt the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Define and give examples of grapevine canopy management techniques.
2. Compare and contrast various grapevine trellis support systems.
3. Describe the yearly vineyard cycle in the context of both vegetative and reproductive growth.
4. Compare and contrast pruning methods for producing a balanced vine.
5. Describe the importance of sunlight and microclimate on vine productivity.
6. Evaluate the relationship between effective canopy management and wine grape quality.
7. Assess canopy management practices for their effects on wine grape quality.
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I. Introduction to Canopy Management
A. Definitions and vocabulary
B. Review of grapevine phenology
C. Goals of canopy management
D. Relationship of canopy management with pruning concepts
E. Richard Smart system of canopy evaluation (vineyard scorecard)
II. Overview of Pruning, Training, and Trellis Systems
A. Pruning systems
1. Spur
2. Cane
3. Hybrid
B. Trellis systems
1. Vertical and vertical split canopies
2. Horizontal split canopies
3. Shoot positioning versus non-shoot positioning
4. Retro-fitting
III. Basic Grapevine Phenology and Growth Cycle with Eichorn-Lorenz Numbers
IV. Vine Balance
A. Site vigor potential and its components
B. Fruit: pruning weights method
C. Pruning formulas/ bud counts
D. Dense vs. open canopies
V. Canopy Configuration
A. Single curtain
B. Double curtain
C. Influence of training/trellis system on vine growth
VI. Importance of Sunlight
A. Quantity, quality, and distribution
B. Leaf exposure
C. Fruit exposure
D. Dormant bud exposure
E. Influence of microclimate on vine productivity
1. Exposed canopies, sunburn and other potential problems
2. Temperature and berry damages
3. Strategies to protect grapes from sunburn
VII. Management factors that influence vine vigor
A. Single curtain
B. Double curtain
C. Influence of training/trellis system on vine growth
VIII. Managing Vine Vigor
A. Tools
1. Irrigation
2. Fertilization
3. Rootstocks
4. Trellis systems
5. Pruning methods
B. Managing high vigor vs. low vigor vines
IX. Canopy Assessment
A. Vineyard score card
1. Richard Smart system
2. Patrick Iland system
B. Shoots per meter
C. Sensory evaluation of wine and canopy management trials
X. Troubleshooting Canopy Management Problems
Untitled document
The Grapevine from the Science to the Practice of Growing Grapes for Wine. Iland, Patrick and Dry, Peter and Proffitt, Tony and Terman, Steve. Patrick Inland Wine Promostions Pty Ltd. 2011 (classic)
Instructor prepared materials.