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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Explain the importance of cleanliness and infection control in promoting wellness and
preventing disease in humans at the individual and the environment levels
2. Analyze dietary selections based on nutritional suggestions and food labels
3. Demonstrate proper techniques in acquisition of client vital signs and analyze vital signs based
on physiological norms and risks
4. Explain the application of medication guidelines to client health
5. Apply the concepts of movement and exercise to common client concerns, including
depression, falling, and muscular-skeletal health
6. Describe the differences between the physiology of aging and dying human bodies from
human bodies in prime health years
7. Prepare clear and relevant documentation in response to case studies
8. Comply with a Personal Care Plan using appropriate modeled behavior, and apply Person
Care Checklist and observation records to observation and charting
9. Evaluate case studies on the topic of adult/elder abuse, and select appropriate actions in
response to such abuse
10. Explain the stages of grief
11. Explain the challenges specific to caregivers, clients, and family members of persons with
12. Model verbal and nonverbal behavior that supports effective speaking and listening
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I. Introduction to Caregiving
A. The role of the personal care attendant as a member of the health care team
B. Patient rights HIPAA
C. Professional demeanor
D. The role of ethics in care giving
II. Home Safety and Infection Control
A. Assessment
B. Infection control
C. Handwashing
III. Skin Care and Cleanliness
A. Bathing
B. Hair care, nail care, and shaving
C. Oral care
D. Bedsores/pressure ulcers
1. Common sites
2. Stages of skin breakdown
3. Prevention
IV. Understanding and Working with Older Patients
A. Basic body structure--body systems and organs
B. Death and dying
C. Stages of grief
D. Hospice
E. Post-mortem care
F. Psychological aspects of aging
V. Nutrition
A. Nutrition basics
B. Reading food labels
C. Special diets
D. Guidelines for feeding/serving the elderly
E. Dehydration
F. Safe swallowing
G. Buying and storing food
VI. Caregiver Skills
A. Vital signs--temperature
B. Vital signs--pulse
C. Vital signs--respiration
D. Vital signs--blood pressure
VII. Medication Guidelines
A. The role of the pharmacist
B. Safety guidelines for medication
C. Communicating about medications
D. Fostering independence
E. Daily medication schedule
F. Emergency phone numbers
VIII. Physical Movement--Part One
A. Body mechanics
1. Lifting options
2. Pushing, pulling, and carrying
B. Proper sitting and standing posture
C. Bed mobility
D. Correct use of wheelchair, walker, and cane
IX. Physical Movement--Part Two
A. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
B. Depression and arthritis pain
C. Benefits of exercise
D. Fall prevention
X. Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
A. Overview of dementia
B. Alzheimer's disease and its challenges
XI. Communication--Part One
A. Verbal and non-verbal messages
B. Effective speaking and listening skills
C. Communication variables
D. Changes that affect communication
1. Normal changes
2. Age and disease-related changes
XII. Communication--Part Two
A. The importance of written documentation
B. Correctly following a personal care plan
C. Correctly using a personal care checklist and observation record
1. Appearance, Behavior, Communication (ABC) of observation
2. Rules and principles for charting
XIII. Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse
A. Definition
B. Types of abuse
C. Signs of abuse
D. Reporting abuse and mandated reporters
XIV. Caring for the Caregiver
A. Signs that indicate need to pay attention to self
B. Identifying the needs of the caregiver and finding successful ways to meet them
C. Wage theft and overtime protections in the law
D. Domestic Workers Bill of Rights
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Instructor prepared materials
Providing Home Care. 4th ed. Leahy, William and Fuzy, Jetta and Grafe, Julie. Hartman. 2013 (classic)