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The students will:
A. Develop an understanding of the various uses of police reports
which include:
1. Providing information to investigators, prosecutors, defense
attorneys and other entities.
2. Assisting officers in refreshing their memory before testifying
3. Serving as reference documents for officers testifying at
preliminary hearings regarding statements made by victims,
witnesses, and other involved parties
4. Providing data for criminal justice researchers who are
studying and reporting on the activities of the criminal justice
5. Documenting events which involve potential civil liability
B. demonstrate the ability to write reports that conform to accepted
professional standards (e.g. recording of all relevant information,
use of first person, use of active voice, etc.)
C. demonstrate the ability to take field notes that include the
information needed to complete a crime or incident report (e.g.
description of suspects, names of victims and witnesses, etc.)
D. demonstrate the ability to reduce observations and other informa-
tion to clear, concise, logically organized reports that are read-
able and relatively free of mechanical errors
E. Complete required instruction in Investigative Report Writing
(L.D.18) as required by Training Specifications for the Basic Law
Enforcement Course as mandated by the Calif. Commission on Peace
Officer Standards & Training (Minimum 40 hrs.)
While the curriculum will provide instruction in improving writing
skills, the goals of report writing instruction do not include the
development of command of the English language.
Untitled document
I. What is a report?
A. How crime, incident and arrest reports are used by the criminal
justice system (L.D. 18.2A)
II. Notetaking (L.D. 18.2B)
III.Writing crime reports
A. Characteristics of an acceptable law enforcement report(L.D.18.2C)
B. Organization and structure of report narratives (L.D.18.2.D)
C. Anticipating defenses which are likely to be asserted by a suspect
D. General content requirements of crime, incident, and arrest reports
1) & 2) LD18.2.F)
E. Understanding the difference between facts and inferences (LD18.2G)
F. Elements of clear writing to include: (L.D.18.2I)
1. Logical relationships between narrative elements
2. Chronological sequencing of events
3. Natural vocabulary
4. Active voice
5. First person
G. Review of basic writing mechanics to include: (L.D.18.2H)
1. Spelling
2. Puncuation
3. Grammar
4. Word Choice
5. Syntax
IV. Minimal Standards in 5.5.2. (Exercise - Arrest Reports (L.D.18.3A)
A. Given a depiction of an arrest situation which is based upon a
POST-developed video re-enactment or scenario, or an equivalent
academy-devleoped video, simulation, or scenario, the student will
generate an acceptable report in class. The report must reflect
an arrest situation which minimally incorporates: (9-1-93)
1. Elements of a crime
2. Probable cause to stop
3. Probable cause to search/seize
4. Recovery of evidence
5. Probable cause to arrest
6. Admonishment of the suspect, if appropriate
V. Minimal Standards in 5.5.3 (Exercise-Investigative Reports(L.D.18.3B)
A. Given a depiction of a criminal investigation which is based upon
a POST-developed video re-enactment or scenario, or an equivalent
academy-developed video, simulation, or scenario, the student will
generate an acceptable report in class. The report must reflect a
criminal investigation which minimally incorporates: (9-1-93)
1. Elements of a crime
2. Statements of victim(s) and/or witness(es)
3. Pertinent crime scene details
4. Physical evidence
IV.Learning Activity 13.18.1-Practice Reports (L.D.18.4A through C)
A. Students will be required to generate five practice reports based
on either POST-developed video re-enactments of crimes, investiga-
tions or law enforcement-related incidents, or based upon equiva-
lent simulations, scenarios or videotape depictions developed by
the academy.
B. The events selected should require reports reflecting a progressive
level of difficulty (e.g., from a simple unwitnessed crime to
more complex events involving the articulation of probable cause
to stop, probable cause to arrest, statements of witnesses, etc.)
C. Formal feedback to the student regarding the quality of the report
- The purpose of requiring feedback is to provide ongoing evalua-
tion and documentation of student strengths and weaknesses so that
the student is able to progressively improve.