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The student at the end of the semester will:
1. Identify, integrate and evaluate appropriate information sources for
specific information needs.
2. Use the available information sources to locate and retrieve relevant
3. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the skills and
preparation necessary for teaching, coaching, and administration of
physical education sport and allied fields.
4. Display a knowledge of job placement, career opportunities, and
educational advancement in physical education, sport and allied fields.
5. Develop an understanding of the importance of physical education, sport
and allied fields in modern society.
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1. Students will concentrate on the skills and concepts needed to find
appropriate information sources on Physical Education and their allied
fields, and to use this information successfully for academic learning.
2. Students will use various web sites, portals, location tools and
options for research in the allied fields of Physical Education.
3. College Requirements:
a. Prerequisites
b. General Education
c. Certificates
d. Major and minor courses required for physical education majors
at the four year level
e. Advanced degree and credential requirements
4. Historical Foundation of Physical Education and Sport
a. Philosophy of Physical Education and Sport
b. Definition of Physical Education and allied fields
c. Movement Education from 1930 - present
d. Individual career and professional development in Physical
Education and Sport
5. Bio-mechanical Foundations of Physical Education and Sport
a. Examine the growth of the Fitness movement
b. Fitness and Health related careers in Physical Education
and Sport
6. Foundations of Exercise Physiology in Physical Education and Sport
a. New trends in the training of athletes at different ages and
and competitive levels
b. Psychomotor learning and individuals
c. Physically challenged individuals and the development of
Physical Education and Sport
7. Sociological Foundations of Physical Education and Sport
a. Trends in youth and senior sport programs the past 20 years
b. Sport careers in management, corporate, media and allied health
c. Retail sales in fitness, leisure sports activities and allied
8. Psychological Foundations of Physical Education and Sport
a. Use of biofeedback, imagery, meditation and other intrinsic devices
9. Teaching and Coaching Careers in Physical Education and Sport
a. Individual curriculum development
b. Credential patterns in California (K-14)
c. Athletic training careers
d. Dance careers
e. Physical therapy careers
f. Coaching careers
10. Future Issues and Challenges in Physical Education and Sport
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Foundations of Physical Education and Sport, 13th Edition Bucher and
Wuest, WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999 ISBN: 0-07-092138.5