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Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Identify and compare health concerns of vulnerable populations in Sonoma County.
2. Define health inequalities.
3. Examine evidence of improved health outcomes related to Community Health Worker (CHW) interventions with vulnerable populations.
4. Demonstrate effective organization of health resources and networking data.
5. Identify effective Sonoma County health programs and services for clients.
6. Describe common communicable diseases, and analyze and evaluate prevention techniques.
7. Collect data regarding the problem of violence in various Sonoma County communities, including assessment of possible causes through agency contacts, and examine ways to prevent violence in these diverse communities.
8. Demonstrate effective clinical skills, conflict resolution skills, communication skills, and health outreach for home visits with clients and their families.
9. Explain the role of the CHW and key steps in conducting a community diagnosis.
10. Effectively utilize the Community Action Model for community organizing and advocacy.
11. Select self-care and stress-management techniques to improve effectiveness and prevent burnout.
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I. Identification of Vulnerable Populations and their Health Issues
A. Defining health inequalities /health disparities
B. Evidence of health inequalities in Sonoma County
C. Common health issues among specific populations
D. Impact of Community Health Worker (CHW) interventions
II. Community Health Workers Improvement of Health Outcomes
A. Health and Human Services Departments--identified needs and outcome projections for Sonoma County
B. American Public Health Association testimonials
C. County case studies
III. Departments of Health and Human Services
A. National Department of Health and Human Services 10-year goals
B. Programs and Services in Sonoma County
C. Resources for CHWs
D. CHW's roles and employment in Health and Human Services
IV. Resource Organization for CHWs
A. Utilize guides, binders and files
B. Update resource and networking records
V. Clinical Skill Development
A. Standard precautions for infection control
B. Vital signs, gloving, height, weight
C. Newborn weights and measurements
D. Other clinical skills designated by county health clinics
E. Shadow and practice in county health clinics
VI. Community Diagnosis
A. Define community diagnosis
B. Role of the CHW in community diagnosis
C. Key steps in conducting a community diagnosis
D. Community mapping
VII. Health Outreach
A. Define community health outreach
B. Qualities of successful community health outreach workers
C. Communities to be served
D. Health issues addressed by outreach
E. Outreach levels
F. Common outreach methods
G. Plan and conduct health outreach
H. Safety issues
I. Documentation of health outreach services
J. Ethics and health outreach
K. Supervision and support
VIII. Community Organizing and Advocacy
A. Definition of community and community organizing
B. Models for community organizing
C. Role of CHWs
IX. Mental Health Issues and Resources
A. Sonoma County Mental Health programs and services
B. Signs, symptoms, and treatments for common mental illnesses
C. Communication skills for successful support of clients and their families
D. Mental health guides and other county resources
X. Conflict Resolution Skills
A. Types and sources of conflict for CHWs
B. Common responses to conflict
C. Influence of culture
D. Approaches to handling conflict on the job
E. Communication skills for conflict resolution
XI. Violence Prevention for Families and Communities
A. Understand types and sources of violence
B. The power and control wheels
C. The challenge of anger
D. Methods for violence prevention
E. Resources in Sonoma County
XII. Communicable Disease Prevention
A. Common communicable diseases in Sonoma County
B. Basic anatomy and physiology of male and female reproductive systems
C. Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases
D. Morbidity and mortality comparisons with developing countries' most common communicable diseases
E. Prevention/immunization/community resources
XIII. Stress Management and Self-Care for CHWs
A. Define stress and burnout
B. Internal and external resources
C. Stress responses
D. Assess for stress and burnout
E. Develop support networks
F. Manage time and materials
G. Practice self-care
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1. Submit 3-5 research papers (two-page maximum length each) on Sonoma County health topics.
2. Present a Sonoma County case study that demonstrates improvement in a health outcome for an individual, family or community, or a strong potential for a positive health outcome.
3. Collect current community health resource guides and organize in a binder along with a networking notebook of current community health contacts.
4. Practice and successfully demonstrate all required CHW clinical skills by end of semester.
5. Complete small group community mapping and diagnosis project in selected Sonoma County Community according to packet description, and write a 2- to 5-page group paper.
6. In small groups, role play conflict resolution scenarios.
7. Develop a CHW self-care action plan.
8. Read 10-40 pages per week from designated textbook chapters.
9. Complete Chapter Reviews from designated chapters in text.
10. Quizzes (2-4); final exam.