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Students will:
1. Record lecture material, view video materials and relate those
materials to the text content.
2. Develop a vocabulary of terms particularly applicable to international
economic studies.
3. Recognize global economic problems and discuss issues using economic
principles to explain their reasoning.
4. Voluntarily express their points of view during in-class
5. Develop critical thinking skills through examination of global
economic issues.
6. Demonstrate reading, communication and analytical skill levels in
class discussions, on exams, and within the content of assigned
7. Assess the world's economic performance and evaluate the efficacy
of economic policies directed toward the achievement of global
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I. Introduction to Economic Development
A. International comparisons in income and growth
B. The economic, sociological, and polical characteristics of
C. Measuring economic development
D. Technological progress and the factors of production--land,
labor, capital and entrepreneurship
II. Approaches to the Theory of Economic Development
A. The origin of growth theories--the classical economists
B. The stages of economic growth
C. Capital focused growth theories
III.Trade and Development
A. Why do nations trade?
B. What determines the basis and directions of trade?
C. The driving forces behind protectionism
D. Trade policy
E. International trading blocs
F. Case studies
IV. International Resource Mobility
A. Labor and capital mobility
B. Multinational corporations
C. Fixed v. floating exchange rates
D. Managing currencies and policy coordination
E. Exchange rates, capital flight and hyperinflation
F. Case studies
V. Developing Countries and Economies in Transition
A. Theories of underdevelopment
B. World population trends
C. Integrating developing countries into the global economy
D. The transformation of the former Communist countries
E. Case studies
VI. The International Dimension of Environmental Problems
A. Transnational pollution
B. International property rights
C. Trade, development and environmental protection
D. Case studies
VII.The Evolving World Economy
A. The dynamic aspects of comparative advantage
B. The evolutionary nature of trade competitiveness
C. Recent events in global trade and development
D. Case studies
Untitled document
Carbaugh, Robert J. International Economics, 5th ed.,
Southwestern College Publishing (International Thompson Publishing, 1995),
Cincinnati, OH.