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Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Describe the scientific method and apply this knowledge to the course
content; differentiate the scientific method from other modes of
2. Summarize major contributions of the scientific study of anatomy and
physiology to civilization.
3. Relate basic chemical concepts and cell structure to the function of
4. Name the organ systems, identify the major organs, and describe their
5. Summarize the structures and functions necessary to accomplish
movement of the body.
6. Compare how body-wide communication is accomplished by the nervous and
endocrine systems.
7. Name the factors essential for life, and describe how they are
supplied, transported and regulated inside the body.
8. Compare the various structures and processes used for defense against
injury and infection.
9. Describe human reproductive structures and mechanisms.
10. Apply core concepts of anatomy and physiology to understanding the
basis for some common medical conditions.
11. Use a microscope effectively and be able to perform basic
physiological measurements such as EKG and blood pressure.
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I. Introductory concepts
A. scientific method
1. power and limits of scientific method
2. comparison of scientific method with other modes of learning
3. contributions of study of anatomy and physiology
B. levels of biologic organization
C. human body plan, planes, cavities
D. anatomical terminology
E. homeostasis
1. negative feedback
2. regulated parameters
II. Cells and tissues: structure and function
A. macromolecules
B. organelles
C. cell membranes and osmosis
D. metabolism: energy and enzymes
E. tissues
III. Support and Movement
A. Integument
B. Skeletal system
1. bones
2. joints
C. Muscular System
1. muscles
2. muscle contraction
IV. Control Systems
A. Nervous system
1. neurons and synapses
2. CNS- central nervous system
3. PNS- peripheral nervous system
4. ANS- autonomic nervous system
5. special senses
B. Endocrine system
1. endocrine glands
2. hormones
C. Receptors, drugs, poisons
V. Internal Environment
A. Cardiovascular system
1. heart and blood vessels
2. regulation of cardiac function, blood pressure
3. formation of cardiac action potential and conduction
B. Respiratory system
1. lungs, thoracic cavity
2. structure and function
3. respiratory gases
4. regulation of respiration and pH
C. Urinary System
1. kidneys and nephrons
2. osmoregulation
3. blood pressure and pH regulation
D. Digestive system
1. gastrointestinal tract and accessory glands
2. digestion
3. regulation of metabolism
VI. Defense
A. Blood
B. Immune system
1. organs, tissue, and cells
2. inflammation
3. specific immune system
4. allergy, anaphylaxis, immunization
VII. Reproduction
A. Male reproductive structures and functions
B. Female reproductive structures and functions
C. Gestation, parturition, lactation
VIII. Laboratory Exercises
A. All of the above mentioned structures will be studied by means of
histological specimens, models, charts, and human cadavers or
prosections in the anatomy section of course.
B. Physiological lab exercises will be performed on the following
1. homeostasis
2. muscle contraction
3. reflex action
4. sensory receptor function
5. cardiac function
6. pulmonary function
7. renal function
8. acid base balance
9. glucose tolerance test
10.blood typing
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1. Weekly reading in text, 40-80 pages per week
2. Study of histological slides, charts, models, and anatomical
specimens during lab hours
3. Performance of physiological observations during lab hours
4. Written laboratory assignments, including short essay, fill-in, and
diagrams; averaging one assignment every week
5. Homework: brief written reports connecting class material and common
medical problems
6. Formal assessment: quizzes, 4 lab practical exams, 4 lecture exams,
including objective and essay questions
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Essentials Of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Elaine Marieb, Benjamin Cummings
Essentials Of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 4th Edition, F.H. Martini and
E.F. Bartholomew, Prentice Hall 2006
Anatomy and Physiology for Emergency Care, FH Martini, E.F. Bartholomew,
BE Bledsoe, Prentice Hall 2002