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1. Describe the experimental method and discuss the scientific
approach to behavior.
2. Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the psychodynamic,
behavioral, humanistic, and biological personality theories.
3. List the major types of stress and discuss the factors influencing
our tolerance of stress.
4. Discuss three common coping patterns and explain the strengths and
weaknesses of each pattern.
5. Describe three key components in the communication process, discuss
the significance of nonverbal messages, and explain why self-disclosure
is sometimes inappropriate.
6. Explain the nature of groups and how groups affect individual
attitudes and behavior.
7. Discuss three factors that influence interpersonal attraction.
8. Explain at least one theory of childhood development.
9. Describe the four phases of the human sexual response cycle, list
the various types of STDs, and describe how each STD is transmitted.
10. Discuss the anxiety disorders, the somatoform disorders, the
dissociative disorders, the mood disorders, and the personality disorders.
11. Discuss the insight, behavior, and biomedical therapies and describe
the techniques used by therapists in these various schools.
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Bruno, Frank J.
1983, ADJUSTMENT AND PERSONAL GROWTH. Seven Pathways. Wiley.
Adler, Ronald B. and Neil Towne
1987, LOOKING OUT/LOOKING IN. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
Hamachek, Don E.
1987, ENCOUNTERS WITH THE SELF. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.