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The student will:
1. Further refine knife handling techniques and motor skills.
2. Apply principles and proper procedures for sanitation and safe,
hygienic food handling.
3. Demonstrate knife cuts appropriate to preparing ingredients for stocks,
soups and sauces.
4. Identify the basic ingredients used in stocks.
5. Prepare basic mirepoix.
6. Describe the basic techniques for preparing white and brown stocks.
7. Prepare a variety of stocks.
8. Demonstrate proper procedures for cooling and storing stocks.
9. Describe the basic techniques for preparing a variety of clear and
thick soups.
10. Prepare a variety of clear and thick soups.
11. Identify quality products used to make soup.
12. Identify the standards used to assess a soup's overall quality and
appraise soups according to standards.
13. Select an appropriate garnish for a soup and demonstrate proper
heating techniques.
14. Garnish and serve soups appropriately.
15. Describe and apply soup service guidelines.
16. Apply proper heating, cooling, storing, and reheating procedures for
all types of soup.
17. Explain the function of a sauce in relation to the other components
of a dish.
18. Recognize and classify sauces.
19. Select a suitable sauce for the style of service and the cooking
technique applied to the main ingredients.
20. Demonstrate proper techniques for making sauces.
21. Use thickening agents properly.
22. Prepare a variety of classic and modern sauces.
23. Explain and/or demonstrate how sauces are properly reheated, held,
and plated.
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1. Further development of knife handling and motor skills.
2. Speed and precision.
3. Principles and proper procedures for sanitation and safe, hygienic food
4. Presentation, discussion, and preparation of recipes.
5. Proper fabricating, and cooking techniques for a variety of soups and
6. Application of proper heating, cooling, storing, reheating and plating
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On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals. Labensky, Sarah R., and
Alan M. Hause. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999.
Instructor prepared recipes and handouts.