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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Describe, compare, and analyze a variety of small-group communication behaviors.
2. Choose and practice methods for communicating with other members of a small group.
3. Analyze and explain the implications and applications of the conceptual framework of diversity, equity, inclusion, and action as it relates to communication dynamics and dimensions of a small group in varying contexts.
4. Describe and practice supportive communication behaviors.
5. Demonstrate effective listening skills in various group settings and summarize the range of perspectives expressed within the group.
6. Discuss and practice communication skills related to leadership and decision making.
7. Evaluate how organizational, cultural, and societal structures shape communication ethics, effectiveness, and behavior of both the individual and the group.
8. Strategize and practice methods for individual and group problem solving.
9. Discuss and practice both task and maintenance roles and behaviors.
10. Discuss and practice methods of group consensus building, rather than less inclusive means of decision-making, such as majority vote or trading.
11. Define, discuss, identify, and avoid groupthink.
12. Create a meeting agenda and lead a group meeting utilizing parliamentary procedure.
13. Observe and explain concepts of organizational communication, including organizational culture.
14. Explain and practice methods of effective leadership in a variety of situations.
15. Describe the current state of research in group communication and organizational culture.
16. Explain current theories in communication, as they relate the interaction observed in groups and organizations.
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I. Group Communication in Social and Behavioral Sciences
A. Review of research methods used in the field
B. Models of communication
C. Group communication versus other forms
II. The Nature of Small Group Discussion
A. The importance of groups in society
B. Group roles and norms
C. Supportive versus defensive behaviors
D. Definitions of terms
1. Small group
2. Communication
3. Conflict
E. Maintenance and task theory
F. Consensus building
G. Group decision making
H. When groups make better decisions than individuals
1. Synergy and assembly effect
2. Process loss
I. When groups are not the best decision-making vehicle
1. When conditions are changing rapidly (such as on a battlefield or during an emergency)
2. When group members are unknowledgeable or immature
III. Diversity in Group Communication
A. Learning styles
B. Personality types
IV. Conflict Resolution Theory
A. Conflict management
B. Negotiations
C. Avoidance of groupthink
D. Consensus
E. Compromise
F. Avoidance and accommodation
V. Dewey's Reflective Approach Theory as Applied to Problem solving
A. Understanding, researching, and analyzing the problem
B. Generating possible solutions
C. Evaluating possible solutions
D. Selecting the best solutions
E. Implementing solutions
VI. Systems Theory or Collective Intelligence Theory
A. Input, throughput, and output
B. Environment
C. Open versus closed systems
D. Groups as systems with "collective intelligence"
E. Collective vs. individual intelligence
E. Positive Synergy
VII. Functional Theory of Leadership
A. Understanding and managing diversity
B. Employing lawful and ethical leadership strategies
C. Using interpersonal power ethically and positively
D. Employing effective communication
E. Fostering a positive communication climate
F. Evaluating group and organizational leadership
G. Employing the most appropriate style of leadership for the situation, organization, or group
VIII. Components of Group Communication
A. Beliefs
B. Values
C. Behaviors (norms)
D. Listening
E. Practicing supportive communication
F. Avoiding defensive communication
IX. Nonverbal Communication
A. Kinesics
B. Proxemics
C. Dress
D. Vocalics
E. Oculesics
F. Haptics
G. Chronemics
X. Social Identity Theory: Understanding an Individual's Place in the Group
A. Interdependence as the goal
B. How groups help develop an individual's identity
C. How individuals help create group identity
D. Group membership (gender, race, class, religion, nationality, ethnicity, etc.)
E. Practicing antiracism, overcoming privilege, championing social justice.
F. Categorization
G. Ingroups and outgroups
H. Positive distinctiveness
XI. Critical Thinking and Research Gathering in Group Contexts
XII. Participating in and Running a Meeting
A. Parliamentary Procedure
B. Agenda: building and distribution
C. Taking and distributing minutes
D. Archiving a group's history
XIII. The Theory of the Communicative Constitution of Organizations (CCO Theory)
A. Organizational culture and communication
B. How communication shapes organizations
C. Four Flows Model (FFM)
1. Activity coordination
2. Self-structuring
3. Membership negotiations
4. Institutional positioning
XIV. Theory of Dialogic Communication
A. Dialogue fosters understanding
B. Dialogue fosters cooperation
C. Meaning is co-constructed during dialogue
D. Effective communication in conflict-ridden groups
E. Effective communication in groups with a diverse membership
XV. Networked Individualism Theory (NIT)
A. Individual navigation of social networks
B. How technology shifts us away from traditional community
C. How technology fragments social connections
D. How NIT explains the breakdown of today's political climate
E. How to avoid NI in group communication
XVI. Research in Group Communication
A. Research methodologies
1. Qualitative
2. Quantitative
B. Review of Group Communication Literature
C. Methods of collecting and evaluating communications data
D. Methodological Research
1. Examining research methodologies
2. Improving research methodologies
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Communicating in Groups: Applications and Skills, 11th ed. Adams, Katherine and Galanes, Gloria. McGraw-Hill: 2021.
Communicating in Small Groups: Principles and Practices,12th ed. Beebe, Steven and Masterson, John. Pearson: 2020.(clasic).
Effective Group Discussion: Theory and Practice,15th ed. Galanes, Gloria and Adams, Katherine. McGraw-Hill: 2019. (classic).
In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups,11th ed. Rothwell, Dan. Cengage: 2021.
Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction, 11th ed. Tubbs, Stewart. McGraw-Hill: 2011. (classic).
Open Educational Resource(s) (OER):
Small Group Communication: Forming & Sustaining Teams. Linabary, Jasmine, ed. Pressbooks. https://pressbooks.pub/smallgroup/ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License