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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to accomplish some or all of the following objectives:
1. Move in time to rhythms and melodies.
2. Remember and request old, familiar songs.
3. Recall memories of people, places and events.
4. Expand knowledge of and interest in music.
5. Participate in music making and singing.
6. Engage in social interaction through music.
7. Identify music that elicits positive emotions.
8. Use music to uplift attitude.
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The topics accommodate multiple levels of abilities and participation and may include, but are not limited to the following:
I. Physical Involvement
A. Movement to music (e.g. dance, sway, toe tap, clap, etc.)
B. Percussion instruments (e.g. drums, tambourine, bells, etc.)
C. Art (e.g. drawing to music)
D. Singing (blood circulation, lungs, diaphragm)
II. Mental Stimulation
A. Favorite songs
B. Memory recall (e.g. performer, title, year, etc.)
C. Visual aids (e.g. pictures, objects, etc.)
D. Individual creative expression (vocal, play instrument, etc.)
E. Musical games (e.g. rhyming games, name that tune, etc.)
F. Events associated with music
1. Historical
2. Cultural
3. Political
4. Social
III. Social Engagement
A. Sing-along (rote or with sheet music)
B. Class discussions
C. Group music expression (drum circle, rhythm instrument, etc.)
D. Call and response songs (e.g. Oh You Can't Get to Heaven, etc.)
E. Rounds (e.g. Row, Row, Row Your Boat, etc.)
F. Group song writing
G. Class theme song
H. Guest musicians
IV. Emotional Support
A. Humor and laughter (e.g. funny musical experiences, humorous songs, etc.)
B. Positive self evaluations (e.g. peer compliments, I learned...,I am proud of..., etc.)
C. Relaxation
1. Stress reduction
2. Anxiety reduction
3. Pain management
D. Personal recollections
1. Emotions
2. Experiences
E. Cultivation of joy and delight
V. Music Selections
A. Classical music
B. Seasonal music
C. Era music
D. Popular music
E. Musicals
F. Marches
G. Waltzes
H. Big band
I. World music
J. Famous singers
K. Famous composers
VI. Enhancement of Skills and Knowledge
A. Elements of music
1. Rhythm
2. Tempo
3. Melody
4. Harmony
5. Mood
6. Style
B. Sound properties of instruments
C. Technology supporting music
2. I-pods
3. Computer programs
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Instructor prepared materials