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The topics accommodate multiple levels of abilities and participation, and can be done standing or sitting, gently or actively. Topics may include, but are not limited to the following:
I. Physical Exercises
A. Posture (e.g. neutral spine, lifted torso, set shoulders)
B. Breathing (inhale and exhale with each movement)
C. Warm-up (e.g. toe taps, easy walking in place, shoulder rolls, bend and
straighten fingers, shake out arms)
D. Range of motion/flexibility of trunk, neck, extremities, (e.g. rotation,
flexion, extension)
E. Strength training (e.g. chest, back, arms, legs, knees, abdominal)
F. Aerobic/endurance (e.g. walk, kick, march, dance)
G. Balance (e.g. leg raises, hip flexion and extension, side stepping, heel-
toe walking, one foot stand, box step, stand up without using arm
strength, calf/Achilles tendon stretch)
H. Stretching and toning (e.g. side reach, swimming and rowing
movements, waist twists, elbow to knee, overhead reach, bear hug)
I. Tai Chi
J. Yoga
K. Cool down
L. Duration and number of repetitions (e.g. hold time, pace)
M. Exercise aids
1. Light and heavy beach balls
2. Stretching bands
3. Barbells
4. Rubber rings
5. Streamers
6. Soft balls
7. Mats
N. Use of visuals
1. Anatomical charts and models
2. Handouts
II. Mental Stimulation
A. Coordination (e.g. crossovers, gait patterns, rhythms, hand-eye)
B. Benefits to physical health
1. Reduction
i. Alzheimer's and dementia
ii. Heart disease
iii. Blood pressure
iv. Obesity
v. Diabetes
vi. Immune system
vii. Back problems
viii. Toxins
2. Improvement
i. Mobility
ii. Bone density
iii. Sleep
iv. Feet and toes
v. Rotator cuff
vi. Circulation
vii. Healing
viii. Weight control
C. Benefits to mental health
1. Self confidence
2. Life satisfaction
3. Happiness
4. Reduction of depression and anxiety
D. Reminiscences (e.g. liked rowing a boat, swimming)
E. Brain games (e.g. name and touch body parts, use left hand instead of
III. Social Interactions
A. Greetings moving to music
B. Movement games (e.g. modified musical chairs, ball)
C. Group acknowledgements (e.g. birthdays, accomplishments,
D. Exercise partners (e.g. plastic pole, ball throw, ring toss)
E. Interaction games (e.g. passing a ball while saying the recipient's name)
IV. Emotional Well-being
A. Relaxation
1. Breathing (deep breathing, following the breath)
2. Quiet mind
3. Meditation
4. Muscle relaxation
5. Visualization
6. Positive thoughts/affirmations
B. Music
1. Tempos and lyrics for motivation
2. Sing-along
C. Emotional release with activity
D. Positive self-evaluations (e.g. peer compliments, I learned... I
E. Self massage (e.g. rub legs, arms, shoulders, feet, hands)
F. Free form movement to uplifting music
V. Healthy Lifestyle
A. Benefits to independence
1. Self care (e.g. open a jar or pill bottle, button clothes, hold toothbrush, comb hair,
use rest room and shower)
2. Home maintenance (e.g. change a light bulb, hold a heavy pot, mobility in
home, using eating utensils)
B. Body awareness (expectations, limitations)
C. Health journal
D. Physiology
E. Pulse
F. Hydration
G. Nutrition
H. Proper dress and footwear
I. Safety