Untitled document
I. Introduction
A. Sociological Perspectives on Gender
B. The History of Feminism, Women's and Men's Studies
C. Waves of Feminist Movement / Liberal, Socialist, and Radical Feminism, the Neoliberal
D. Intersectional Perspectives: The Intersections of Gender, Race/ Ethnicity, Disability
Status, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity etc.
II. Gender, Culture, and Sexuality
A. Social Construction of Gender
B. Biology, Culture, and Society
C. Diversity of Gender Relations across Cultures and History
D. Cross-cultural and Historical Conceptions of the "Third sex," the Non-binary Spectrum,
Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
III. Gender Socialization
A. Agents of Gender Socialization
B. Gender Socialization across the Life-Course
C. Gendered Language, Communication, and Social Interactions
IV. Sexuality and Intimate Relationships
A. The Social Construction of Sexuality
B. The History of Sexuality in the U.S.
C. Contemporary Sexual Attitudes and Behavior
D. Sexuality over the Life-Course
E. The Gendered Nature of Intimate Relationships
F. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Experiences
V. Gender and Labor
A. Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on Women's Labor
B. Gender Inequalities in the Workplace: The Pay Gap, Glass Ceiling, Bans and
Discrimination against Transgender Workers etc.
C. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
D. Transnational Gendered Labor Experiences: Immigration, Globalization and
Feminization of Poverty
E. Intersections of Family and Work
VI. Gender and Families
A. Family Diversity: Social Class, Race/ Ethnicity, Same-Sex Couple Families, Blended
Families etc.
B. Gendered Family Roles
C. Changing Parenting Expectations and Gender
D. Social Policy and Work-Family Challenges
VII. Gender, Health, and Reproduction
A. Gender and the Healthcare System
B. The Economics and Politics of Reproduction: Reproductive Technologies,
New Family Formations etc.
C. The Medicalization of Intersex and Transgender Identity (early interventions in lives of
intersex/ transgender kids, etc.)
VIII. Sex and Gender in the Mass Media
A. The Social Construction of Sex and Gender in Popular Culture
B. Sex and Gendered Representations in the Mass Media
C. Social Media and Gendered Communication
IX. Gender and Education
A. Gender Inequalities in the Education System
B. Women in Higher Education and Beyond
C. Underrepresentation of Women in STEM Fields
X. Gender, Politics and Power
A. Women's Participation in the Political Process
B. LGBTQIA Participation in the Political Process
C. Language, Gender, and Power
XI. Gender, Deviance, and Violence
A. Gendered Experiences in the Criminal Justice System: Women as Criminals,
LGBTQIA Experiences etc.
B. Intimate Partner Violence
C. Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment
XII. Social Change: Reform, Policy, Feminism, Men's, and LGBTQIA Movements
A. #METOO, #TIMESUP and Other Social Movements on the Path towards Healing
B. Masculinity Studies, Toxic Masculinity, and Redemption
C. LGBTQIA Movements: Beyond Marriage Equality