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Perrine's Story and Structure (14th). Arp, Thomas R., and Johnson, Greg. Wadsworth: 2014
Doubletakes: Pairs of Contemporary Short Stories. Boyle, T. Coraghessan. Cengage L: 2003 (classic)
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction (8th). Bausch, Richard and Cassill, R.V. Norton: 2015
The Story and Its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction; Compact (9th). Charters, Ann. Bedford: 2014
Longman Anthology of Short Fiction: The Stories and Authors in Context; Compact. Gioia, Dana and Gwynn, R.S., eds. Longman: 2000 (classic)
The Seagull Reader: Stories (3rd). Kelly, Joseph, ed. Norton: 2014
The Best American Short Stories. Diaz, Junot, series ed. Mariner: 2016
Cengage Advantage Books: A Pocketful of Prose: Vintage Short Fiction. Vol. 1 and 2. Revised ed. Madden, David. Cengage L: 2006 (classic)
The Art of the Short Story. Martin, Wendy. Houghton: 2006 (classic)
The Contemporary American Short Story. Nguyen, Bich Minh and Shreve, Porter, eds. Pearson: 2003 (classic)
The Oxford Book of American Short Stories. Oates, Joyce Carol. Oxford: 2012
Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Fiction (13th). Pickering, James H., ed. Prentice: 2011 (classic)
The Oxford Book of Short Stories. Pritchett, V.S. Oxford: 2010 (classic)
Short Fiction by 33 Writers: 3 x 33. Winegardner, Mark, ed. Wadsworth: 2004 (classic)
40 Short Stories: A Portable Anthology (5th). Lawn, Beverly, ed. Bedford: 2016