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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Edit articles for accuracy, clarity, fairness, structure, ethics and libel concerns.
2. Edit articles for conciseness, grammar and spelling.
3. Correct and apply proper punctuation.
4. Learn and apply Associated Press (AP) Style.
5. Write and edit headlines and blurbs for various story types.
6. Write and edit cutlines (photo captions) for print and online news media.
7. Identify methods and techniques for self editing, copy editing and proof reading.
8. Edit audio, taking into consideration content and technical quality issues.
9. Edit video on mobile devices for content and technical quality issues.
10. Edit video using professional editing software for content and technical quality issues.
11. Edit and craft multimedia, taking into consideration content, appropriate medium,
interactivity and other issues.
12. Construct and edit social media posts with consideration of text, graphics, photos and
content/promotion goals.
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I. Content Editing for Print, Digital and Broadcast
A. Libel and invasion of privacy overview
B. Ethics overview
C. Accuracy and fact checking
D. Fairness, balance and objectivity
E. Structure and flow
F. Leads, holes and other issues
1. clarity issues
2. awareness of sexism, racism, ageism and other problems language can inadvertently
G. Effective storytelling and connection to audience
II. Conciseness
A. Active/passive
B. Repetition and wordy expressions
C. Using simple language
D. Gerunds and "to be"
E. Other conciseness issues
III. Grammar and Spelling
A. Noun/pronoun and subject/verb agreement
B. Modifiers, dangling, misplaced and squinting
C. Verb tenses
D. Rules of spelling
E. Parallel structure
IV. Punctuation
A. Comma splices and fused sentences
B. Quote punctuation
C. Proper punctuation for phrases, clauses and sentences
D. Apostrophes, plurals and conjunctions
E. Proper comma use
F. Semicolons vs. colons
G. Compound modifiers
V. Precision
A. Blob words
B. Strong nouns and verbs
C. Word choice
D. Common misused words
E. Avoiding clichés
VI. Associated Press (AP) Style
A. Numbers and sports scores
B. Titles and proper names
C. Dates, times, addresses
D. Word choice and more
E. Other AP Style
VII. Headlines and Cutlines
A. Headline writing and editing.
B. Cutline writing and editing
VIII. Editing Strategies
A. Self editing methods
B. Proof reading vs. copy editing
C. Strategies for thorough editing
IX. Audio Editing
A. Content considerations
B. Equipment and editing programs (mobile and computer- based)
C. Technical aspects, such as cuts and sound quality
D. Uploading and promoting Podcasts
X. Video Editing
A. Content considerations (webcast vs. video journalism)
B. Technical aspects
C. Mobile video (smartphone) editing apps
D. Professional video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro CC)
E. Best industry practices
XI. Editing Multimedia
A. Storyboarding various mediums (text, graphics, audio, photos, video)
B. Combining elements to create a whole
C. Interactivity
D. Best industry practices
XII. Social Media Editing
A. Text and formatting considerations
B. Graphics, photos, video, live recordings and stories
C. Platform specific considerations and practices
D. Marketing strategies
XIII. Editing Jobs in News Media
A. Newsroom editor positions
B. Copy editor and fact checker jobs
C. Editing for digital media jobs, i.e. social media editor
All topics are covered in the lecture and lab portions of the course.
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Lecture-Related Assignments:
1. Reading 10 to 40 pages per week
2. Weekly exercises
3. Critiques of editing in storytelling projects in various mediums
4. One to two midterm exam(s) and a final exam
Lab-Related Assignments:
1. Daily/weekly skills-building exercises and/or quizzes covering the specific topics, such
A. AP Style
B. Content editing
C. Punctuation
D. Grammar
E. Clarity and precision
F. Cutline writing/editing
G. Headline writing/editing
H. General copy editing and proof reading
I. Audio editing
J. Mobile video editing
K. Video editing
L. Multimedia project editing
M. Social media editing and marketing
N. Editing to the ear and eye
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Instructor-prepared materials.
The Associated Press (AP) Style Book. The Associated Press. Current edition
Editing for Today's Newsroom: A Guide for Success in a Changing Profession. 2nd ed. Stepp, Carl Sessions. CRC Press. 2008 (classic)
Editing Made Easy: Simple Rules for Effective Writing. Kaplan, Bruce. Upper Access. 2012 (classic)