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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Define the functions of marketing, where and how they are performed locally and globally.
2. Identify general problems in the marketing system.
3. Identify problems of specific commodities in local area.
4. Discuss and diagram marketing channels for a specific agricultural product in a given region.
5. Identify current trends in agriculture marketing.
6. Describe strategies for developing customer-driven marketing strategies.
7. Identify and design a marketing strategy for a specific agriculture commodity.
8. Define the role of government in agricultural marketing.
9. Define the role of marketing cooperatives.
10. Define marketing risk and develop plans for reducing risk.
11. Identify the marketing alternatives available to individual firms.
12. Collect and analyze marketing information.
13. Chart and interpret market information.
14. Analyze market structure for specific agricultural commodities in a local or global region.
15. Design and implement simple marketing research.
16. Develop an effective marketing plan for an agricultural product or commodity.
17. Make effective marketing presentations.
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I. Marketing and the Marketing Process
A. Definition of marketing
B. Marketing process in agriculture
C. Nine functions of marketing
D. Four utilities of marketing
II. Agricultural Marketing System
A. Input industries
B. Production agriculture
III. Analyzing the Agricultural Marketing Environment
A. Microenvironment
B. Macroenvironment
IV. Understanding the Agricultural Marketing Environment
A. Consumer demand for agricultural goods and services
B. Agricultural producers and suppliers
C. Market prices and consumer demand
V. Market Planning
A. Market analysis
B. Analyzing customer needs
C. Planning, direction, objectives and marketing support
VI. Market Planning and Marketing Plan
A. Steps in the market planning
B. Components of a marketing plan
C. Tips for developing an effective marketing plan
VII. Marketing Research
A. Overview of marketing research
B. Types of marketing research
C. Developing a marketing research plan
D. Determining research objectives
E. Designing and administering a marketing survey
F. Analyzing marketing survey data
G. Analyzing and using marketing information
VIII. Marketing Strategy
A. Define marketing strategy
B. Components of a marketing Strategy (Segmentation, Positioning, Value addition)
C. Market Segmentation
D. Market targeting
E. Differentiation and positioning
F. Customer-driven marketing strategy
IX. Marketing Mix and Customer Strategy
A. Components of the marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion and people)
B. Managing the marketing mix
C. Customer-driven marketing mix
D. Marketing mix and marketing strategy
X. Agricultural Marketing Channels
A. Types of marketing channels
B. Channel design and decision making
C. Channel management
D. Public policy and channel decision
XI. Retailing and Wholesaling
A. Types of retailers
B. Retail market decisions
C. Types of wholesale
D. Wholesale market decision
XII. Agricultural Products and Brands
A. Definition of products and brands
B. Branding strategy
C. New product development
D. New product development strategy
E. Product life-cycle
F. Product life-cycle strategies
XIII. Communicating Customer Value
A. Promotion mix
B. Steps in developing an effective promotion mix
C. Integrated marketing communication
XIV. Advertising and Public Relations in Agriculture Marketing
A. Setting advertising objectives
B. Setting advertising budgets
C. Developing advertising strategy
D. Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising
E. Roles of Public Relation in Agriculture Marketing
XV. Direct and Social Media Marketing
A. Forms of direct marketing in agriculture
B. Digital and social media marketing
C. Social media marketing and policies
XVI. Functional and Organizational Issues
A. Organization of food and fiber markets.
B. Cooperatives in the food and fiber industry
C. Market power and bargaining associations
D. Market information
E. Standardization and grading
F. Transportation
G. Storage
XVII. Global Marketing
A. Global marketplace
B. International trade
C. Opportunities and challenges of global trade
XVIII. Marketing Presentation
A. Types of presentation
B. Content of presentation
C. Audience and presentation styles
D. Presentation tools