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I. Sport as a Social Phenomena
A. Sport as a social construct
B. Institutionalization of sport
1. Social and cultural practices
2. Defining sport
II. Sport History
A. Understanding sport history
B. Contests and games in ancient Greece
C. The emergence of organized competitive sport
III. Sport and Socialization
A. Sport Involvement
1. Becoming an elite athlete
2. Acceptance of athletes
B. Sport Participation
1. Personal and familial investment
2. Burnout
3. Discontinuation
C. Sport as a Socializing Agent
1. Familly
2. Social group
3. Social identity
IV. Sport and Children
A. Origin and development of organized youth sport
B. Major trends in youth sport today
C. Variations in the organization of youth sport
D. Recommendations for improving youth sport
V. Sport and Gender
A. Participation and equity issues
B. Cultural norms
1. Feminity
2. Masculinity
VI. Race and Ethnicity in Sport
A. Defining race and ethnicity
B. Creating race and racial ideologies
C. Dynamics of racial and ethnic relations in sport
VII. Sport and Social Class
A. Social class and class relations
B. Sports and economic inequality
C. Social class and sport participation patterns
D. Global inequalities and sport
E. Economic and career opportunities careers among former athletes
VII. Sport and the Economy
A. Emergence and growth of commerical sport
B. Commercialization and changes in sport
C. Organization of professional sport
D. Organization of amateur sport
VIII. Sport and the Media
A. Characteristics of the media
B. Sport and the media: A Two-Way Relationship
C. Images and narratives in media
D. Experiences and consequences of consuming media sports
E. Sport journalism
IX. Sport and Politics
A. Sport-government connection
B. Sport and global political processes
C. Politics in sport
X. Sport in High School and College
A. Arguments for and against interscholastic sport
B. Interscholastic Sport and the experiences of high school students
C. Intercollegiate sport and the experiences of college students
D. Varsity High School Sports
1. Problems
2. Recommendations
E. Intercollegiate Sports
1. Problems
2. Recommendations
XI. Sport and Religion
A. Similarities and differences between sport and religion
B. Modern sport and religious beliefs
C. Challenges of combining sport and religious beliefs
XII. Deviance and Violence in Sport
A. Violence in sport vs. violence outside of sport
1. Participant acceptance
2. Spectator acceptance
3. Sport as a platform for violence
B. Spectator violence
C. Performance-enhancing substances
1. Overcomformity
2. Social acceptance
3. Legality
XIII. Sport in the Future
A. Envisioning possibilities for the future
B. Current trends related to sport in society
C. Factors Influencing trends today
D. Becoming agents for change and creating the future
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Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies, Coakley, Jay McGraw-Hill Higher Education 11th Edition 2014