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Lecture Objectives
The student will:
1. Complete a course in CPR and provide the instructor with a copy of the
current certificate before the end of the class.
2. List the most common medical emergencies found in the dental office.
3. Give examples of management techniques for each medical emergency.
4. Discuss the importance of a completed medical and dental history for
each patient.
5. Explain what can be done to prepare the dental office and its
personnel for a medical emergency.
6. List some of the possible responsibilities and duties of the RDH
during a medical emergency.
7. List the items commonly found in a basic dental office emergency
8. List other equipment found in a dental office that may be needed for
an emergency.
9. Explain why it is important for every member of the dental team to
be trained in CPR and maintain a current certificate.
10. Explain the significance of having emergency numbers posted at each
11. Discuss possible training drills using the "team approach" to
prepare the dental office for a medical emergency.
12. Describe the symptoms and demonstrate the treatment for the
following emergencies that may occur in the well patient to include
the physiology and symptoms:
a. Vasopressor syncope
b. Hyperventilation syndrome
c. Syncope
d. Postural hypotension
13. Describe the emergencies that might be expected and the procedures
to take to prevent the occurrence of the emergency for patients with
the following diseases - include the basic physiology and symptoms:
a. Congestive heart failure
b. Angina Pectoris
c. Cerebral Vascular Accident
d. Coronary Occlusion
e. Diabetes
f. Epilepsy
g. Asthma
h. Hyperthyroidism
i. Adrenal insufficiency
14. Describe and demonstrate the emergency treatment that would be given
in a dental office for the conditions listed in number (13) above.
Clinical Objectives
The student will:
1. Define duties of each of the following team members in the
management of medical emergencies; dentist, auxiliary and
2. Identify location of emergency equipment and phone numbers
3. Identify contents of and preparation of drugs in an emergency kit.
4. Perform routine check of supplies for working condition and
5. Recognize signs and symptoms of common medical emergencies
6. Demonstrate the auxiliary's role in the treatment of emergencies
involving conscious, partially conscious and unconscious patient.
7. Elicit and record response from patients that will comprise a
complete and thorough health history.
8. Take, evaluate, and record the patient's vital signs and recognize
the significance of the signs in relation to patient treatment.
9. Write a treatment plan to include appropriate precautions for the
patient's condition.
10. Demonstrate the utilization of the Dental Drug Reference in relation
to health history and treatment planning.
11. Demonstrate with 100% accuracy the use of the clinic oxygen systems.
12. Identify and demonstrate the procedure that should be initiated in
response to dental office emergencies.
13. Demonstrate a telephone call the city rescue squad that includes the
information required to get the squad to the site of the emergency
in the shortest possible time.
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Required Textbooks:
Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office. Malamed, Stanley. Mosby, 5th
edition, 1999
Applied Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist, Requa-Clark, Barbara.
Mosby, 4th edition, 1999
Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, Wilkins, Esther M., Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins, 8th edition, 1999
Supplemental Textbooks:
Taber's Cyclopedia Medical Dictionary, Davis, 18th edition, 1997