Untitled document
I. Upon completion of this course the student will:
A. Become aware of the role, characteristics and responsibility
of a professional lifeguard and guidelines for interacting
with public.
B. Become familiar with the lifeguard's role in facility
operations and aquatic injury prevention.
C. Become familiar with the surveillance techniques a lifeguard
is required to have and how these techniques can help prevent
injury at the facility.
D. Become familiar with the function of an emergency action plan
and how to take appropriate action in an emergency.
E. Become aware of the EMS system and with the role and
responsibilities of professional rescuers within the EMS
F. Learn how and when to perform a primary survey and how to
respond to a breathing emergency in an adult, in a child, and
in an infant.
G. Learn how to care for an infant, a child or an adult with an
obstructed airway and the advantages of using a resuscitation
mask and the bag-valve-mast resuscitator (BVM) to ventilate a
nonbreathing victim.
H. Learn the signs and systems of a heart attact/cardiac arrest,
how to care for victims who experience them, how to identify
and reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
I. Learn how to perform infant, child, and two-rescuer CPR.
J. Become familiar with the steps of a rescue including learning
how to use a rescue tube, how to enter the water, how to
approach a victim, how to rescue at or near the surface, and
how to approach a victim, how to rescue a victim at or near
the surface, and how to perform a multiple-victim rescue.
K. Learn how to recognize and care for victims of injuries and
sudden illness, poisoning, drug abuse, heat and cold
emergencies, and emergency childbirth.
L. Become aware of common causes of aquatic spinal injuries, the
signs and symptoms of possible spinal injuries, and how to
provide care for victims with spinal injuries.
M. Identify guidelines that ensure personal safety and the safety
of others at an emergency scene.
N. Identify major body systems/structures and explain how they
O. Recognize life-threatening bleeding and demonstrate proper
care for controlling it.
P. Recognize the signs and symptoms of shock and describe how to
minimize the effects of shock.
Q. Recognize the signs and symptoms of soft-tissue injuries and
demonstrate the proper care for open and closed wounds,
thermal burns, electrical burns, chemical burns, and embedded
objects (including bandaging techniques).
R. Recognize the signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries
and describe/demonstrate proper care (including rigid, soft,
and anatomic splitting).
S. Describe/demonstrate how to safely rescue victims on land or
in the water.
T. Describe conditions that affect surveillance at a swimming
pool and waterfront.
U. Describe the skills used in special rescue situations such as
missing person procedures, search for a SCUBA diver, cold
water rescue.
V. Demonstrate specific rescue skills for swimming pools and
waterfront facilities.
W. Develop students speed and endurance.
X. Receive ARC certification in Lifeguard Training. CPR for the
Professional Rescuer, Waterfront Lifeguard Training and Title
22 First Aide for Public Safety Personnel.
Untitled document
I. The Professional Lifeguard
A. Introduction to Lifeguarding
B. Characteristics and Responsibilities of a Lifeguard
C. Interacting with the Public
D. Responsibilities of Management
II. Preventing Aquatic Injury
A. Patron and Facility Surveillance
B. Emergency Procedures
C. Emergency Action Plans
D. Victim Recognition
III. CPR for the Professional Rescuer
IV. Emergency Water Rescue Skills
V. Basic First Aid
VI. First Responder/Priorities of Care
VII. General Injuries - Identification and Care
VIII. Specific Injuries - Identification and Care
IX. Medical Emergencies
X. Special Populations and Situations
XI. Spinal Injury Management
XII. Responsibilities After and Emergency
XIII. Waterfront Lifeguarding Module
XIV. Final Written Exams
XV. Final Skills Scenarios