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Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of microcomputer operations by saving
files in various file formats, moving files, using a hierarchical
folder system to organize files, and use Chooser to select a printer
or server.
2. Generate effective layouts using the design principles of proximity,
alignment, repetition, and contrast.
3. Create dynamic type using the principles of concordance, conflict,
contrast, readability, and legibility.
4. Use a page layout program such as QuarkXpress to create a two-page
document exhibiting a basic command of text input and manipulation,
paragraph spacing, character spacing, tabs and indents, and style
5. Demonstrate a working knowledge of scanning, resolution, resizing, and
file formats by creating effective images for design ,layouts.
6. Use an image editing program such as PhotoShop to create a photo
montage, applying such features as layer masks, layer effects, color
adjusting, and opacities.
7. Create basic file setups suitable for output at a printing service
8. Demonstrate an understanding of basic font management by using ATM to
open fonts from a folder.
9. Outline the basic design process and simple offset printing workflow.
10. Mount and present work in a professional manner using such skills as
cutting with and Xacto knife and mounting work on presentation boards
with proper adhesives in a neat and precise manner.
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1. PhotoShop basics (tools, menus, palettes, color picker) opening &
saving a document
2. Design proximity: the anatomy of an ad
3. PhotoShop: Selections: using the selection tools; marquee lasso;
adding to a selection; removing part of a selection. Shrinking
selections; inverse, magic wand quick mask. Saving and loading a
selection; feathering a selection
4. Design process: alignment
5. PhotoShop: Layers: creating a new layer; merging and flattening,
creating a drop shadow; transparency; layer masks & layer effects
6. Scanning and file formats
7. Design; Repetition
8. PhotoShop: working with text & paint tools: Brushes - airbrushing;
colorizing an image; working with text tool
9. Design Contrast
10. PhotoShop: Working with paths; creating, saving, filling, creating
clipping, shapes
11. Design: Creating effective montages
12. PhotoShop: working with filters
13. QuarkXpress Basics: (tool, measurement, document layout, color, style
sheets) menus, creating a new document text boxes, building a page,
saving and templates printing
14. Design: Designing with type: Concord, conflict, contrast
15. QuarkXpress: Document orientation - rulers, guides, text boxes, drag
copying/cutting, text, measurement, point of origin
16. Design: Typography & professional type formating
QuarkXpress: text input and manipulation; text rotation frames,
vertical alignment, text inset, box and text color specifying,
17. QuarkXpress: Paragraph spacing, leading, baseline shift, space before
and after. Rules, Initial Caps
18. QuarkXpress; Character spacing, kerning, tracking, scaling, layering,
grouping, editing within groups and ungrouping boxes
19. QuarkXpress: Indents: First line, hanging, right & left;
Tabs: right, left, leader, center, decimal
20. QuarkXpress: Style sheets: creating, applying editing,Introduction to
Quark's Beziers features, Scanning & resolution: importing images;
manipulating step & repeat, working with picture boxes
25. Getting ready for the Service Bureau
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QuarkXpress 4 Visual Quickstart Guide by Elaine Weinmann,
Peachpit Press 1998
PhotoShop 6.0 Visual Quickstart Guide y Elaine Weinmann,
Peachpit Press 2000