SRJC Course Outlines

10/25/2024 11:05:29 AMFIRE 284 Course Outline as of Spring 2019

New Course (First Version)

Discipline and Nbr:  FIRE 284Title:  TRUCK ACADEMY OPERATIONS  
Full Title:  Truck Academy Operations
Last Reviewed:9/10/2018

UnitsCourse Hours per Week Nbr of WeeksCourse Hours Total
Maximum1.50Lecture Scheduled3.004 max.Lecture Scheduled12.00
Minimum1.50Lab Scheduled17.002 min.Lab Scheduled68.00
 Contact DHR0 Contact DHR0
 Contact Total20.00 Contact Total80.00
 Non-contact DHR0 Non-contact DHR Total0

 Total Out of Class Hours:  24.00Total Student Learning Hours: 104.00 

Title 5 Category:  AA Degree Applicable
Grading:  Grade Only
Repeatability:  00 - Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP
Also Listed As: 

Catalog Description:
Untitled document
An intermediate course designed for veteran firefighters or other interested students who wish to enhance their knowledge and ability as it pertains to fire ground truck operations, tactics and strategy. Basic building and roof construction, vertical and horizontal ventilation, forcible entry, positive and negative ventilation, search and rescue, thermal imaging technology, firefighter safety and survival, rapid intervention tactics, elevator rescue, vehicle extrication and other related truck company operations will be discussed.


Recommended Preparation:

Limits on Enrollment:
Possession of a State issued Firefighter I Certificate or equivalent as determined by the Dean of Public Safety

Schedule of Classes Information
Description: Untitled document
An intermediate course designed for veteran firefighters or other interested students who wish to enhance their knowledge and ability as it pertains to fire ground truck operations, tactics and strategy. Basic building and roof construction, vertical and horizontal ventilation, forcible entry, positive and negative ventilation, search and rescue, thermal imaging technology, firefighter safety and survival, rapid intervention tactics, elevator rescue, vehicle extrication and other related truck company operations will be discussed.
(Grade Only)

Limits on Enrollment:Possession of a State issued Firefighter I Certificate or equivalent as determined by the Dean of Public Safety
Transfer Credit:
Repeatability:00 - Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP


Associate Degree:Effective:Inactive:
CSU GE:Transfer Area Effective:Inactive:
IGETC:Transfer Area Effective:Inactive:
CSU Transfer:Effective:Inactive:
UC Transfer:Effective:Inactive:

Certificate/Major Applicable: Major Applicable Course


Student Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
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1.  Demonstrate an understanding of building construction and the roles of a truck company
    during a structure fire or other emergency incidents
2.  Demonstrate the ability to perform the tasks required of truck company firefighter
3.  Describe the safety concerns associated with the role of a truck company firefighter and
    the procedures that can be used to minimize the risk of injury

Objectives: Untitled document
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1.  Describe the role of a truck company and the tactics and safety procedures used during
     Fires and other emergency incidents.
2.  Describe the tools used by truck companies and how they are utilized in the field.
3.  Demonstrate an understanding of the different types of building and roof construction
     and the hazards associated with each.
4.  Demonstrate the ability to safely perform vertical and horizontal ventilation using a
     chainsaw, axe, pike pole and other associated tools.
5.  Demonstrate the ability to safely conduct forcible entry on a variety of doors, windows
     and walls.
6.  Demonstrate the proper use of a thermal imaging camera and the ability to use
      effectively on the fire ground in a number of scenarios.
7.  Demonstrate the ability to safely shut down utilities on the fire ground.
8.  Describe the basic procedures on how to safely respond to and affect a rescue in a mid
     or high rise building.
9.  Describe the different types of elevators and identify the correct procedures for safely
     performing a rescue of trapped individuals in one.
10. Describe the situations that cause entrapment and the procedures used by firefighters
      and Rapid Intervention Crews (RIC) including "Maydays", breathing techniques,
      carries, drags and other techniques used for search and rescue in any given scenario.
11. Demonstrate the ability to safely perform advanced extrication techniques on a variety
      of vehicles including those using alternate fuels.

Topics and Scope
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I.   Course Overview and Pre-Examination
II.  The Role of a Truck Company and the Tactics during an Emergency Incident
    A. Ventilation
    B. Forcible entry
    C. Building search and rescue
    D. Rapid intervention crew (RIC)
    E. Securing utilities
    F. Softening the structure
    G. Elevator rescues
    H. Vehicle extrication
III. Tools and Equipment Used in Truck Company Operations
     A. Ventilation tools
         1. Chain saws
         2. Rubbish hooks
         3. Pike poles
         4. Axes
         5. Ventilation fans  
     B. Forcible entry tools
         1. Halligan and flat head axe (irons)
         2. Circular (circ) saws & cutting blades
         3. Lock slot sets
         4. Hydraulic rams
         5. Pry bars
         6. Wedges
    C. Building search and rescue
         1. Thermal imaging cameras (TIC's)
         2. Rope bags
    D. Rapid Intervention tools
         1. RIC (Rapid Intervention Crew) bag
         2. Halligan
         3. Axe
    E. Securing utilities
         1. Utility keys
         2. Specialized wrenches
    F. Structure softening
         1. Irons
         2. Chain saws
         3. Circular saws
IV. Building Construction, Roof Types and their Associated Hazards
    A. Building construction types
         1. Type I fire resistive
         2. Type II non-combustible
         3. Type III ordinary
         4. Type IV heavy timber
         5. Type V wood frame
    B. Roof types
          1. Panel
         2. Trusses
              a. Open metal
               b. Parallel cord
              c. Bowstring
              d. Wood "I" beam (lightweight)
         3. Roofing decks
              a. Shingle
              b. Tar and gravel
              c. Built-up
              d. Metal
V. Ventilation Operations
    A. Vertical ventilation
          1. Saw Safety
         2. Roof procedures
         3. Crew operations
         4. Rafter work
         5. Residential venting
              a. Low pitch roof
               b. High pitch roof
         6. Louver venting
         7. Dicing
         8. Strip venting
    B. Horizontal ventilation
         1. Natural ventilation
         2. Mechanical ventilation
              a. Positive pressure
              b. Hydraulic ventilation
VI. Forcible Entry Operations
    A. Lock entry
         1. Conventional locks
         2. Deadbolts
         3. Hasps
    B. Door entry
         1. Residential doors
         2. Commercial doors
         3. Roll-up doors
    C. Window entry
    D. Wall entry
VII. Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) use
    A. TIC technology
    B. TIC applications
         1. Search and rescue
         2. Locating the main body of fire
         3. Overhaul
         4. Related uses
    C. TIC limitations
VIII. Securing Utilities
         1. Water
              a. Commercial
              b. Residential
              c. Meter types
         2. Electrical
              a. Commercial
              b. Residential
              c. Industrial
              d. Meter types
              e. Alternate energy power sources
                   i. Solar
                   ii. Batteries
                   iii. Hydro
                   iv. Stand-by generators
                   v. Bio-mass generators
         3. Gas
              a. Commercial
              b. Residential
              c. Industrial
              d. Meter types
IX. Mid and High Rise Truck Operations
    A. Incident command structure
    B. Access considerations
    C. Search and rescue considerations
    D. Ventilation practices
    E. Built-in fire protection features
         1. Sprinkler systems
         2. Stand-pipes
         3. Fire Alarms
    F. Systems controls
X. Elevator Types and Rescues
    A. Elevator types
         1. Hydraulic plunger
          2. Traction motor
    B. Elevator controls
    C. Rescue procedures
         1. Securing the power
         2. Securing the car
         3. Accessing the car
               i. Picking the door
              ii. Using the top hatch
XI. Entrapment Situations and RIC Procedures
    A. Entrapment situations
         1. Importance of situational awareness
         2. Collapsed roof or floor
         3. Entanglement in wires and cables
         4. Separation from hose line, crew or interior walls
          5. Low air alarm
         6. Rapidly progressing fire
         7. "Mayday" procedures
         8. Air conservation techniques
    B. RIC procedures
         1. Types of search patterns
         2. Urban search and rescue standards
         3. Safety while searching
         4. Building collapse
         5. "2 in, 2 out"
XII. Vehicle Extrication
    A. Vehicle anatomy
    B. Alternate powered vehicles
    C. Restraint systems
    D. Vehicle stabilization
    E. Commercial vehicle considerations
    F. Alternative extrication techniques
    G. Multi-casualty incidents at vehicle accidents
Topics and Scope pertains to both lab and lecture

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Lecture Related Assignments
1. Classroom participation
2. Reading of student textbook
3. Two to three written homework assignments/case studies
4. Summative exam
Lab Related Assignments
1. Building construction inspection exercise
2. Field trip to a mid or high rise building and 2-3 rescue exercises
3. Two to three Auto extrication exercises
4. Four to five demonstrations of a variety of truck company tools and operations

Methods of Evaluation/Basis of Grade.
Writing: Assessment tools that demonstrate writing skill and/or require students to select, organize and explain ideas in writing.Writing
10 - 15%
Written Homework
Problem solving: Assessment tools, other than exams, that demonstrate competence in computational or non-computational problem solving skills.Problem Solving
5 - 10%
Homework, skills demonstrations activities
Skill Demonstrations: All skill-based and physical demonstrations used for assessment purposes including skill performance exams.Skill Demonstrations
40 - 60%
Skills performance exercises and demonstrations
Exams: All forms of formal testing, other than skill performance exams.Exams
20 - 30%
multiple choice summative exam
Other: Includes any assessment tools that do not logically fit into the above categories.Other Category
5 - 10%
Attendance and Participation

Representative Textbooks and Materials:
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Building Construction for the Fire Service. 5th ed. Corbett, Glenn and Brannigan, Francis. Jones and Bartlett. 2016
Truck Company Operations, John Mittendorf. 2nd ed. Fire Engineering Publications. 2016.

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