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At completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Interpret the general use of X-radiation for medical purposes.
2. List the major equipment and accessories used in a radiology department and its darkroom.
3. List and demonstrate the understanding of operation of the major equipment and components of a digital radiography system.
4. Explain and demonstrate the understanding of the process of X-ray production.
5. Describe and demonstrate basic rules of practicing conscientious radiation protection.
6. Identify and describe the function of the radiographic tube and its components.
7. Compare and contrast basic interactions of radiation on matter.
8. List the personal traits and characteristics necessary of the radiologic technologist in the multicultural health care setting.
9. Define and discuss professionalism and ethics as applied to radiologic technologists when dealing with patients and staff of diverse backgrounds.
10.Examine and integrate the values, technological themes, scientific and research methods used in radiology.
11.Identify and determine realistic career objectives as related to radiology.
12.Conduct research specific to credentialing requirements in radiology.
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1. History of Radiology and its scientists
A. Discovery of vacuum tubes and X-Ray radiation
B. Major developments in the field of Radiology
2. Principles of X-Ray production and its medical use
A. Electricity and generator
B. X-Ray tube construction
C. X-Ray use in medicine
D. Digital radiology
3. Equipment used in Radiology and its Darkroom
A. Description of equipment
B. Image Formation
C. Film and Processing
4. Radiographic Accessories
A. Grids
B. Screens
C. Collimators
D. Filters
5. Introduction to Radiation Physics
A. Atomic structure
B. Production of X-rays
C. Interactions with matter
6. Image Evaluation
A. Density
B. Contrast
C. Detail
D. Distortion
7. Digital Technology
A. Direct digital radiography
B. Computed radiography
C. DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)
D. PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System)
8. Hospital, Department, National, State, and Professional Organizations.
A. Organizational charts
B. Relationship of hierarchy and a radiologic technologist
C. Professional associations
9. Professionalism and Medico-Legal Ethics
A. American Registry of Radiologic Technologists code of ethics
B. Patient Bills of Rights
C. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
D. Medical ethics
10. National and State Regulatory Agencies
A. Radiologic Health Branch
B. Title 17
C. National Council on Radiation
D. Title 22
E. FDA guidelines
A. State certifications
B. National certifications
12. Radiation Safety and Protective Measures
A. Self
B. Patient
C. Other personnel
D. ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable)
E. Shielding
F. Precautions for pregnant patients and personnel
13. Patient Diversity in Radiology
A. Ageism
B. Race, ethnicity issues
C. Gender issues
Untitled document
Introduction to Radiologic Technology, 2007, Gurley, LaVerne, Mosby.
Radiologic Science for Technologists, Bushong, Steward, 2008, 9th Ed.
Current edition, Mosby
Instructor prepared material