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Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Synthesize receptive and expressive ASL skills and participate in a variety of grammatically correct advanced intermediate dialogues in ASL.
2. Use various ASL sequencing techniques to construct a concise, grammatically correct advanced intermediate narrative in ASL about personal events.
3. Demonstrate a grammatically correct description of societal norms in both Deaf and hearing cultures.
4. Organize information about health into a grammatically correct ASL description of medical events.
5. Generate solutions in ASL to a variety of situations involving money.
6. Outline the major points of complex topics about Deaf culture through storytelling, both receptive and expressive.
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I. Narrating personal information through 'unforgettable moments'
A. Personal mishaps
B. Falls and injuries
C. Storytelling techniques appropriate to narratives on embarrassing moments in personal relationships
D. Phrase and vocabulary review
E. Grammatical concepts
1. Role-shifting
2. Phrasing for sequencing events (advanced)
3. Contrastive structure (advanced)
II. Describing interesting information about current events
A. Signs for percentages and fractions
B. Categories and ranking using listing skills and ranking vocabulary
C. Contrastive structures for organizing and discussing information
D. Classifiers and role-shift review
E. Grammatical concepts
1. Possessive forms (advanced)
2. Topic-comment structure (advanced)
3. Numbers up to 1 million (advanced)
III. Describing societal norms and cultural behaviors
A. School rules and then rationale
B. Sports and games
C. Familial and cultural rule variation
D. Phrase and vocabulary review
E. Grammatical concepts
1. Descriptive vocabulary for driving rules (signs and symbols)
2. Instrument classifiers
3. Conditional sentence structure
IV. Using ASL Description and Sequencing to describe a misadventure
A. Childhood accident
B. Bicycle and/or a multiple-car accident
C. Phrase and vocabulary review
D. Grammatical concepts
1. Classifier usage to express entities and movement
2. Role-shifting and perspective change
V. Talking about banking and finances
A. Price comparisons
B. Bargains, purchases, tips, and commissions
C. Describing one's banking practices
D. Discussing topics such as debt, bills, and donations
E. Phrase and money-related vocabulary review
F. Grammatical concepts
1. Transitive and intransitive verbs
2. Money signs and directional verbs
VI. Using ASL to discuss housing, cars and major decisions
A. Personal living situations
B. Decisions related to work, school, and family
C. Cars, and driving-related issues
D. Phrase and vocabulary review for assigned topics
E. Relevant grammatical concepts
1. Descriptive classifiers
2. Hypothetical questions
VII. Deaf culture topics
A. Deaf art (De'Via)
B. Deaf-blind cultural topics
C. Deaf international organizations
D.Theater works with a deaf/hearing cross-cultural focus
E. ASL poetry
F. Deaf literature
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1. Read 15-20 pages per week of informal materials about Deaf culture
2. Three to four 2-3-page compositions about Deaf culture topics.
3. Problem-solving assignments
a. Practice exercises from the workbook, video and teacher-prepared materials.
b. Group practice activities, games and other activities.
4. Skill demonstrations
a. Dialogues in ASL.
b. Three-four presentations in ASL about Deaf culture topics.
c. Viewing and interpreting short passages in ASL.
d. Performing short stories and narratives in ASL.
5. Weekly or bi-weekly quizzes, chapter exams and final.
6. Reports in ASL
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Signing Naturally, Student Videotext and Workbook, Level Three. Mikos, Smith, and Lentz. DawnSign Press, 2001. (Level three, Lessons 18-25 and review) (classic)
Deaf Lit: Extravaganza. Clark, John L. (2013).
Audism Unveiled. Bahan, B., H-Dirksen, B. and Montegengo, F. and DVD. (2008).
Where I Stand. Clark, John L. (2014).
Instructor prepared materials.