Untitled document
I. Introduction to health statistics and lifestyle
A. Most common causes of death worldwide
B. Most common causes of death and disability in Sonoma County
C. Health disparities in Sonoma County
D. Lifestyle impacts on health
II. Disease prevention and health promotion
A. Roles of CHW
1.Fundamental required knowledge and skills
a. HIPAA and confidentiality
b. universal precautions and infection control
c. basic clinical skills for assessment (e.g., vital signs, mobility assistance, glucometer)
d. cultural humility
2. Scope of practice, ethical considerations, and boundaries
B. Nutrition
1. Foundation of health
2. Social justice issue
3. Food source and quality
4. Food security
III. Chronic Diseases and Disorders
A. Obesity in children and adults
1. Scope of problem
2. Root causes
a. poverty
b. poor nutrition
c. physical activity (neighborhood, school)
d. screen time
3. Role of CHW in disease prevention and health promotion
B. Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
1. Scope of problem
2. Basic pathophysiology
3. Signs and symptoms
4. Disease prevention
5. Disease management
6. Lifestyle changes
7. Medication
8. Home glucose monitoring
9. Role of CHW in disease prevention and health promotion
a. nutrition education
b. physical exercise
c. home glucose monitoring
d. supporting patient self management
e. empowering patients to identify warning signs
f. encouraging regular check-ups (medical, eye and dental)
g. immunization promotion
h. communication with healthcare team
C. Respiratory diseases
1. Asthma
a. scope of problem
b. basic pathophysiology
c. signs and symptoms
d. disease prevention
e. disease management
a. scope of problem
b. basic pathophysiology
c. signs and symptoms
d. disease prevention
e. disease management
3. Role of CHW in disease prevention and health promotion
a. home assessment and environmental triggers
b. tobacco and smoking cessation
c. supporting patient self management
i. asthma action plan
ii. medication use
iii. client education on warning signs
D. Cardiovascular disease
1. Scope of problem
2. Types of cardiovascular disease and basic pathophysiology
a. Coronary artery disease (CAD)
b. Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
c. Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) - Stroke
d. Congestive heart failure (CHF)
3. Root causes of cardiovascular disease
4. Role of CHW in disease prevention and health promotion
a. home blood pressure monitoring
b. lifestyle changes
c. client education on warning signs
E. Mental Health
1. Scope of problem
2. Stigma and barriers to care
3. Specific disorders
a. depression
i. major depression
ii. post-partum depression
b. bipolar disorder
c. anxiety
d. schizophrenia
4. Stress
a. acute versus chronic stress
b. effects of stress
5. Role of CHW in disease prevention and health promotion
a. coping strategies
b. stress management
c. medication organization and adherence
d. client education on warning signs
F. Substance Use
1. Substance use issues in Sonoma County
a. scope of problem
b. signs of use
c. impact on health
a. scope of problem
b. impact on health
c. smoking cessation
i. resources (1-800-NO-BUTTS)
ii. medications
3. Alcohol
a. scope of problem
b. impact on health
i. motor vehicle accidents
ii. family violence
iii. liver disease (cirrhosis)
iv. alcohol withdrawal
c. treatment
i. alcoholics anonymous (AA)
4. Role of CHW in disease prevention and health promotion
a. safety
b. legal responsibilities
c. motivational interviewing
d. family cycles of substance use
e. community resources
IV. Infectious Diseases
A. CHW self protection
1. Universal precautions
2. Standard precautions
3. Immunizations (influenza, Hep A, Hep B, TDaP)
1. Epidemiology
2. Risk factors
3. Stigma
4. Testing
5. Treatment
6. Prevention
7. Role of CHW in disease prevention and health promotion
a. education
b. testing services
c. harm reduction
i. needle exchange
ii. condoms
C. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
1. Epidemiology
2. Detection
3. Treatment
4. Prevention
5. Role of CHW in disease prevention and health promotion
D. Viral Hepatitis
1. Overview of Hepatitis A, B, C
2. Epidemiology
3. Scope of Hepatitis C problem in Sonoma County
4. Risk factors
5. Signs and symptoms
6. Role of CHW in disease prevention and health promotion
a. testing services
b. harm reduction
i. needle exchanges
ii. condoms
E. Respiratory Infections
1. Tuberculosis (TB)
a. transmission
b. risk factors
c. difference between latent TB and active TB
d. signs and symptoms of active TB
e. role of CHW in disease prevention and health promotion
i. identifying vulnerable clients
ii. detection
iii. medication adherence
2. Influenza
a. transmission
b. signs and symptoms
c. risk factors for severe disease
d. role of CHW in disease prevention
i. identifying vulnerable clients
ii. immunization
iii. teaching infection control techniques
3. Pertussis (whooping cough)
a. transmission
b. signs and symptoms
c. risk factors for severe disease
d. role of CHW in disease prevention
i. identifying vulnerable clients
ii. immunization
iii. teaching infection control techniques
4. Pneumonia
a. Transmission
b. Signs and symptoms
c. Risk factors for severe disease
d. Role of CHW in disease prevention
i. identifying vulnerable clients
ii. immunization
iii. teaching infection control techniques
V. Injuries
A. Intentional
1. scope of problem
2. types
a. self-harm
b. family violence
c. gang violence
d. gun violence
3. role of CHW in intentional injury prevention
a. family cycles of violence
b. home assessment (gun in home)
c. community resources
i. YWCA safe house
ii. Family Justice Center
iii. police
iv. gang prevention resources
B. Unintentional
1. scope of problem
2. types
a. poisoning
b. drowning
c. motor vehicle accidents
d. falls
3. role of CHW in unintentional injury prevention
a. home assessment
b. car safety
c. bike safety
d. water safety
VI. Reproductive Health
A. Female and male reproductive anatomy
B. Female menstrual cycle
C. Family planning
1. unplanned pregnancy
a. scope of problem
b. health outcomes
2. contraception
a. long-acting reversible contraception
b. pill, patch, ring and depo provera
c. barrier methods
d. plan B
3. preparing for a healthy pregnancy
a. prenatal vitamins
b. healthy weight, exercise and nutrition
c. substance use
d. pregnancy spacing
e. prenatal care
f. newborn care and postpartum issues
VII. Integration: putting knowledge to practice in home visits
A. Referrals
B. Preparing for home visits
C. During the home visit
D. Client Communication: The Four Habits Model
E. Healthcare provider teamwork tips
F. Referral summary
G. Communicating urgent concerns