Untitled document
African Drama and Performance. Conteh-Morgan, John and Olaniyan,Tejumola. Indiana University Press: 2004 (classic)
African Folktales. Abrahams, Rodger. Pantheon: 1983 (Classic)
African Literature: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory. Quayson , Ato and Olaniyan,Tejumola. Wiley-Blackwell : 2007 (classic)
African Short Stories. Achebe, Chinua & Innes, C.L. Heinemann: 1988 (Classic)
Introduction to African Oral Literature & Performance. Ogunjimi, Abdul Rasheed Naallah Bayo . Africa World Press: 2005 (classic)
Myth, Literature and the African World. Soyinka, Wole. Canto: 1984 (classic)
Under African Skies; Modern African Stories. Larson, Charles Ed. Farrar, Straus Giroux: 2004 (classic)
African Art (World of Art). Willett, Frank. Thames and Hudson: 2002 (classic)
African Philosophy: The Essential Readings (Paragon Issues in Philosophy). Serequeberhan, Tsenay. Paragon House Publishers : 1991 (classic)
African Religions and Philosophy. Mbiti, John S. Heinemann: 1992 (classic)
Of Africa. Soyinka, Wole, Yale University Press: 2012
A Collector of Treasures. Head, Bessie. Heinemann: 1992 (classic)
A Question of Power. Head, Bessie. Heineman: 1987 (classic)
Ake: The Years of Childhood. Soyinka , Wole. Anchor/Vintage: 1989 (classic)
The Famished Road. Okri, Ben. Anchor: 2002 (classic)
Half of a Yellow Sun. Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. Anchor: 2007 (classic)
The Heinemann Book of African Poetry in English. Maja-Pearce, Adewalw. Heinemann: 2000 (classic)
I Will Marry When I Want. wa Thiong'o, Ngugi and wa Mirii, Ngugi. African Writers Series Heinemann: 1992 (classic)
The Palm Wine Drunkard and My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. Tutuola, Amos. Grove: 1964 (classic)
The Penguin Book of Modern African Poetry: Fifth Edition (classics).
Moore, Gerald (Editor, Translator, Introduction) and Beier, Ulli (Editor, Translator, Introduction). Penguin Classics: 2007 (classic)
Purple Hibiscus: A Novel. Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. Anchor: 2004 (classic)
Things Fall Apart. Achebe, Chinua. Anchor: 2006 (classic)
When Rain Clouds Gather. Head, Bessie. Heinemann: 1990 (classic)