SRJC Course Outlines

10/25/2024 11:05:18 AMHIST 21 Course Outline as of Fall 2016

Changed Course

Discipline and Nbr:  HIST 21Title:  RACE, ETHNIC AM CUL  
Full Title:  Race, Ethnicity and Gender in American Culture
Last Reviewed:4/26/2021

UnitsCourse Hours per Week Nbr of WeeksCourse Hours Total
Maximum3.00Lecture Scheduled3.0017.5 max.Lecture Scheduled52.50
Minimum3.00Lab Scheduled06 min.Lab Scheduled0
 Contact DHR0 Contact DHR0
 Contact Total3.00 Contact Total52.50
 Non-contact DHR0 Non-contact DHR Total0

 Total Out of Class Hours:  105.00Total Student Learning Hours: 157.50 

Title 5 Category:  AA Degree Applicable
Grading:  Grade or P/NP
Repeatability:  00 - Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP
Also Listed As: 

Catalog Description:
Untitled document
An examination of the interrelated roles of race, ethnicity and gender in shaping political and cultural institutions in the United States. From pre-Columbian times to the present, the course will explore and analyze the experiences, contributions, and interconnectedness of African, Asian, European, Latino and Native American peoples.


Recommended Preparation:
Eligibility for ENGL 1A or equivalent

Limits on Enrollment:

Schedule of Classes Information
Description: Untitled document
An examination of the interrelated roles of race, ethnicity and gender in shaping political and cultural institutions in the U.S. From pre-Columbian times to the present, the course will explore and analyze the experiences of African, Asian, European, Latino and Native American peoples.
(Grade or P/NP)

Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 1A or equivalent
Limits on Enrollment:
Transfer Credit:CSU;UC.
Repeatability:00 - Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP


Associate Degree:Effective:Fall 1991
Social and Behavioral Sciences
American Institutions
American Cultures/Ethnic Studies
CSU GE:Transfer Area Effective:Inactive:
 DSocial ScienceFall 2012
 D3Ethnic Studies  
 D4Gender Studies  
 X1U.S. History  
 DSocial ScienceFall 1993Summer 2012
 D1Anthropology and Archeology  
 D3Ethnic Studies  
 D4Gender Studies  
 X1U.S. History  
 DSocial ScienceSpring 1992Summer 1993
 D1Anthropology and Archeology  
 D3Ethnic Studies  
 D4Gender Studies  
 X1U.S. History  
IGETC:Transfer Area Effective:Inactive:
 4Social and Behavioral ScienceFall 2011
 4CEthnic Studies  
 4DGender Studies  
 XAU.S. History  
 4Social and Behavioral ScienceFall 1993Summer 2011
 XAU.S. History  
CSU Transfer:TransferableEffective:Fall 1991Inactive:
UC Transfer:TransferableEffective:Fall 1991Inactive:

Certificate/Major Applicable: Both Certificate and Major Applicable


Student Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
Untitled document
1.   Analyze critical events in US history from the varied perspectives of
     African, Asian, European, Latino and Native Americans.
2.   Analyze the critical role that women from different ethnicities and classes
     have played in the social, political, and economic development of the United States.
3.   Compose expository essays, critically analyzing historically significant people,
       events, and problems in the United States history connected to issues of
       ethnicity and/or gender

Objectives: Untitled document
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowlede of historical methodology and an analytical
     approach to interpreting the past.
2. Compare and contrast different historical interpretations to explain historical
     events and societal change over time.
3. Recognize the critical role of gender in the acculturation and assimilation of
     particular ethnic groups in the United States.
4. Identify the legacies of racism and sexism and their impact on American law and custom.
5. Analyze political, economic, social and cultural developments in the United States from
     the perspectives of Asian, African, European, Latino, and Native American peoples.
6. Place key events and actors in appropriate historical time periods.
7. Create and support an historical argument.
8. Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.

Topics and Scope
Untitled document
1.   History as Social Science
     A.  Understanding the present through analysis of the past
     B.  The study of history:  methods of inquiry, primary and secondary sources, analysis and critical thinking
2.   Defining Race, Ethnicity and Gender
      A.      Race & gender: biological imperatives or social constructs
      B.      Ethnicity: phenotypically or culturally determined
      C.      Minority group: numbers or relationship to power
       D.      Ethnocentrism in a pluralistic society
      E.      E Pluribus Unum: "Melting Pot" or "Salad Bowl"
3.    Pre-Columbian America
      A.      The diverse cultures of Native America
      B.      Impact of Euro/African invasion on indigenous cultures
4.   Colonial America in the Age of Empire
      A.      Spanish, French and English settlement
               1.  Cooperation with and conquest of indigenous peoples
               2.  Slavery and empire
      B.      Protestant Reformation and English America
               1.  English identity in the wake of the Reformation
               2.  The Chesapeake: commercial enterprise, individualism and profit
               3.  Puritan New England: religion, family and community
5.   Africans in America: Slavery and the Atlantic World
      A.      The Atlantic slave trade
      B.      Indentured servitude and chattel slavery in early Virginia
      C.      Slavery and the British mainland colonies
6.    Race and Republicanism
      A.      Declaration of Independence: its meaning and legacy
      B.      The Constitution and slavery
      C.      Race and national identity following the Revolution
      D.      Naturalization Act of 1790
      E.      Red, white and black in Jeffersonian America
7.   Race, Class and Gender in the Market Economy
      A.      Cotton kingdom and the spread of slavery
      B.      Indian removal in the Age of Jackson
      C.      Rise of the factory and the "Cult of Domesticity"
      D.      Abolition and the birth of women's rights
              1.  Women and the abolitionist crusade
              2.  Seneca Falls & the Declaration of Sentiments
8.  Immigration in Antebellum America
      A.      The Irish experience
      B.      The German experience
9.   Race and Manifest Destiny
      A.      Conquest of Mexico: the Mexican American War
      B.      Foreigners in their own land: Mexican Americans & the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
      C.      "Climbing Gold Mountain": the Chinese Experience
10.  Civil War and Emancipation
      A.      War for Union/War against slavery
      B.      Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation
11.   Race and Reaction: the Failure of Reconstruction
      A.     13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
      B.      Black suffrage versus women's suffrage
      C.      White supremacy and the "New South"
      D.      Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896
12.  Reservations and Resistance
     A.      The "Iron Horse" and the "End of the Frontier"
     B.      Dawes Act, 1887
     C.      Wounded Knee, 1890
13. Immigration 1880 - 1930
     A.      The Japanese experience
     B.      The Jewish experience
     C.      The Mexican experience
14. Politics of Exclusion 1880 - 1930
     A.      Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
     B.      Gentleman's Agreement, 1907
     C.      National Origins Act, 1924
15. Migration and Political Realignments
     A.      America Moves to the City: 1880 - 1920
     B.      Southern Blacks and the Great Migration, 1910 - 1930
               1.  World War I and the "New Negro"
               2.  Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association
               3.  Harlem Renaissance
     C.      El Norte: Mexican Immigration and the Capitalist West
     D.      Great Depression and Dust Bowl Migrants
     E.      Great Depression and Mexican Repatriation
     F.      Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal
               1. New Deal liberalism and an emerging Democratic majority
               2. Labor and minorities in the New Deal coalition
               3. Indian Reorganization Act, 1934
16. World War II and the Winds of Change
     A.      "Arsenal of Democracy": America Prepares for War
     B.      Pearl Harbor and Japanese American Internment
     C.      A.P. Randolph, March on Washington Movement/ Executive Order 8802
     D.      "Americans All": Ethnic minorities on the battlefield and on the home front
     E.      "Rosie the Riveter": Womaning the Factories
17. Truman's Fair Deal: Expanding the New Deal Legacy
      A.      Challenging Southern Democrats
      B.      Desegregation of the Armed Forces
18. Race, Reform and Rebellion: The Civil Rights Revolution
      A.      Mendez v. Westminster, 1946
      B.      Brown v. Board of Education, 1954
      C.      Civil Rights Movement, 1955 - 1965
               1.  Martin Luther King and non-violence as strategy and philosophy
               2.  Boycotts, sit-ins, freedom rides, and freedom schools
               3.  Civil Rights Act of 1964
               4.  Voting Rights Act of 1965
               5.  Title VII and women's rights
19.  Immigration Reform and Multicultural America
      A.      Magnuson Bill, 1943
      B.      McCarran-Walter Act (Nationality Act), 1952
      C.      Immigration and Nationality Act, 1965
20. Continuing Issues and Controversies
      A.      The Affirmative Action Debate
      B.      Third Wave Feminism and Women in Politics
      C.      Immigration

Untitled document
1.  Reading 40 to 80 pages per week. Assignments will include both primary
      or secondary sources.
2.  1500-2500 words of out of class writing will be assigned. These
     assignments may be  reaction papers, analytical essays, or research papers.
     The assignments will critically and  historically interpret primary and  secondary sources.  
3.  A midterm and final will be given and both will be essay based.  These exams
     may also include objective or short answer questions.
4.  Class participation which may include small group work, extemporaneous question
      and answer or presentations.
5.  Regular attendance and extensive note taking in class is expected and assumed.

Methods of Evaluation/Basis of Grade.
Writing: Assessment tools that demonstrate writing skill and/or require students to select, organize and explain ideas in writing.Writing
25 - 50%
Writing, written homework, analytical essays, reaction or research papers, film or book reviews
Problem solving: Assessment tools, other than exams, that demonstrate competence in computational or non-computational problem solving skills.Problem Solving
0 - 0%
Skill Demonstrations: All skill-based and physical demonstrations used for assessment purposes including skill performance exams.Skill Demonstrations
0 - 0%
Exams: All forms of formal testing, other than skill performance exams.Exams
50 - 75%
Essay, multiple choice and other forms of formal testing
Other: Includes any assessment tools that do not logically fit into the above categories.Other Category
0 - 25%
Attendance and Participation

Representative Textbooks and Materials:
Untitled document
A Different Mirror, revised edition.  Takaki, Ronald.  Back Bay Books: 2008 (Classic)
Equality Deferred: Race, Ethnicity and Immigration in America Since 1945.  Olson, James S.  Thomson/Wadsworth: 2003 (Classic)
Major Problems in American Immigration and Ethnic History, 2nd edition, Gjerda, Jon.  Houghton Mifflin: 2012
The Ohlone Way, 2nd edition,  Margolin, Malcolm.  Heyday Books: 2014
Postwar Immigrant America: A Social History.  Ueda, Reed.  Bedford Books: 1994 (Classic)
Women and the National Experience: Primary Sources in American History, 3rd edition.  Skinner, Ellen.  Longman: 2011
Women, Race and Class.  Davis, Angela Y.  Vintage Books: 1983 (Classic)

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