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Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1.Identify the various components of the fire environment.
2.Describe the influence of topography on fire behavior.
3.Describe the types and characteristics of fuels and their influence on fire behavior.
4.Describe the different weather process in the atmosphere that influence fire behavior.
5.Describe the influence of temperature and humidity on fire behavior and their relationships with each other.
6.Describe the factors that affect atmospheric stability and their relationships with each other.
7.Describe the factors that affect wind conditions and the influence they can have on wildland fire behavior.
8.Identify the types and uses of products available to observe and predict weather.
9.Describe the importance and frequency of conducting weather observations.
10.Demonstrate the correct use of a Belt Weather kit.
11.Describe the moisture thresholds and weather factors affecting the various fuel types.
12.Describe the factors that contribute to and the characteristics of extreme fire behavior.
13. Demonstrate the ability to gauge fire behavior and use it to guide fire line decisions.
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1. The Fire Environment
a. Components of wildland fire environment
b. Methods of heat transfer
c. Methods of mass transport of firebrands on wildland fire
d .Relationship between flame height/length and relationship to fireline intensity
e. Primary environmental factors affecting ignition, fire intensity, and rate of spread
f. Relationship between intensities and their environments
g. Behavior of wildland fires using standard fire behavior terminology
2. Topographic Influences on Wildland Fire Behavior
a. Standard features of a topographic map
b. Topography
i. How it affects fuels and their availability for combustion
ii. How it affects direction and rate of spread
c. How changes in fuels and topography can provide full and partial barriers
d. Slope percent
i. How it can be determined or estimated in the field
3. Fuels
a. Fuel characteristics
b. Four dead fuel timelag categories used to classify fuels
c. Fuel Model Concept
4. Basic Weather Processes
a. Structure and composition of the atmosphere
b. Define weather and list its elements
c. Sun-Earth radiation budget and Earth's heat balance
d. Factors affecting temperature
e. Greenhouse Effect
f. Temperature lag and their effects
5. Temperature and Humidity Relationships
a. Temperature Definitions, Characteristics and Variations
b. Effects of Variables
6. Atmospheric Stability
a. Relationship among atmospheric pressure, temperature, density and volume
b. Temperature lapse rate
c. Effects of atmospheric stability
d. Types of temperature inversions, lifting processes
e. Elements of a thunderstorm
f. Visual indicators to describe stability of the atmosphere
g. Principles of Cloud Groups
7. Wind Systems
a. Wind definitions and effects
i. General winds
ii. Local winds
iii.Typical diurnal slope and valley wind patterns
iv. Critical winds and their impact
b. Ways in which topography alters wind patterns
c. Calculations for wind speed
8. Keeping Current with the Weather
a. Types, purpose and elements of Predictive Service Products
b. Types purpose and elements of National Weather Service Products
c. Importance of Incident Meteorologists (IMET) and Fire Behavior Analysis (FBAN)
9. Observing the Weather
a. When, how often and where to take weather observations
b. Importance of field observers
c. Use and maintenance of belt weather kit
10. Fuel Moisture
a. Definitions, methods, and relationships of live fuel
b. Effect of precipitation and soil moisture
c. Timelag concept and categories
d. Moisture of extinction
11. Extreme Wildland Fire Behavior
a. Common denominators of fire behavior on tragedy wildland fires
b. Extreme fire behavior characteristics
c. Crown fire development
d. Factors that contribute to spotting problem
e. Probability of ignition
f. Firewhirls, wind-driven and plume dominated fires
12. Gauging Fire Behavior and Guiding Fireline Decisions
a. Safety and suppression decisions
b. Calculating the size of safety zones
c. Changes in fire behavior effecting firefighter safety, identifying the "next big change"
d. Fire behavior prediction tools