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Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1.Describe the major systemic contributing risk factors for periodontitis.
2.Define the term biologic equilibrium and discuss factors that can disrupt the balance between health and disease in the periodontium.
3.Describe the clinical and radiographic features of chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis.
4.Discuss the correlation of periodontal infection as a risk factor to various diseases.
5.Describe the principles and techniques of periodontal surgery.
6.Describe surgical closure and post-operative care.
7.Describe the management of periodontal emergencies.
8.List and describe the indications, contraindications, and techniques for placement of dental implants.
9.Describe the role of the dental hygienist in implant therapy.
10.Describe the impact of occlusion on the progression of periodontal destruction.
11.List three objectives of periodontal maintenance.
12.Describe developing technologies, drug therapies, and treatment used in periodontal care.
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A. Systemic Factors associated with Periodontal Diseases:
1. Systemic risk factors for periodontitis.
2. Genetic risk factors for periodontitis.
3. Systemic medications with periodontal side effects.
B. Etiologic Factors: Risk for Periodontitis:
1. Risk factors for periodontal disease.
2. Balance between periodontal health and disease.
C. Classification of Periodontitis:
1. Chronic.
2. Aggressive.
3. Necrotizing periodontal diseases.
D. Periodontitis and systemic disease:
1. Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease.
2. Systemic disease as a manifestation of periodontitis.
3. Developmental or acquired deformities and conditions.
E. Periodontal surgical concepts for the dental hygienist:
1. Common types of periodontal surgery.
2. Biologic enhancement of surgical outcomes.
3. Periodontal dressing placement and management.
4. Management following periodontal surgery.
F. Dental implants:
1. History of the use of implants in dentistry.
2. Implant restoration reconstruction, case selection, and prognosis.
3. Role of dental hygienist in implant therapy.
G Periodontal Emergencies:
1. Abscesses of the periodontium.
2. Infected pulpitis and fractured roots, acute periodontal abscess, periocoronitis.
3. Treatment modalities.
H.Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders:
1. The role of occlusion in the etiology and progression of periodontal destruction.
2. Symptoms and treatment of TMJ dysfunction.
I. Maintenance for the periodontal patient:
1. Introduction to post-surgical periodontal maintenance.
2. Procedures and planning for periodontal maintenance.
3. Disease recurrence and patient compliance.
J. Developing technologies and future directions for management of periodontal patients:
1. Dental lasers in periodontal care.
2. Local delivery mechanisms in periodontal care.
3. Disease risk assessment in periodontal care.
4. Genetic technology in periodontal care.
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Nield-Gehrig, J. S., and Willmann, D.E. Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, 3rd edition, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2011
Darby, ML, Walsh, MM, Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice, 3rd edition, Elsevier, 2010
Instructor prepared materials