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STUDENTS PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS before checking with the SRJC Bookstore.
These titles are representative only, and may not be the same ones used in your class.
Check availability and pricing. <http://bookstore.santarosa.edu/santarosa/SelectTermDept.aspx>
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Locke, John. Prometheus Books: 1995
Classics of Western Philosophy (8th Edition), Cahn, Steven M. Hackett Publishing Co: 2012
David Hume Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, 2nd ed., Ed. Steinberg, Eric. Hackett: 1993
Descartes' Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, 4th Ed.. Tr .Cress, Donald A. Hackett: 1999
The Great Conversation: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy (6th Edition). Melchert, Norman. Oxford University Press: 2010
A Historical Introduction to Philosophy. Fieser, James and Lillegard, Norman. Oxford University Press: 2002. (Classic)
Kant's Prolegamena to Any Future Metaphysics: With Selections from the Critique of Pure Reason, ed. Hatfield, Gary. Cambridge: 1997
Leviathan. Hobbes, Thomas. Seven Treasures Pub.: 2009
Philosophy: History and Problems, 7th ed. Stumpf, Samuel Enoch and Fieser, James. McGraw Hill: 2008
Spinoza's Ethics, Tr. Curley, Edwin. Penguin Classics: 2005
Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous. Berkeley, George. Hackett: 1979