Untitled document
1. Introduction to Clinical Coding
a. History of the CPT coding system
b. CPT categories and sections
c. Levels of Basic Current Procedural Terminology and Coding (HCPCS)
d. History of ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM coding systems
e. General principles of health record documentation
f. Overview of claim forms
2. Application of the CPT System
a. Organization of the CPT coding system
b. Conventions and characteristics
1. Semicolon
2. Bullets
3. Triangles
4. Plus symbol
5. Circled bullet
c. Numerical list
d. Alphabetic index
e. General CPT coding rules
f. Analyzing and interpreting medical documentation
g. Identification of operative procedures
3. Modifiers: identification and general uses
4. Surgical Procedure Coding
a. Definition of surgical package
b. Separate procedures
c. Coding edits
d. Integumentary system coding
1. Debridement
2. Removal/excision of lesions
3. Repair of wounds: simple, intermediate, complex
4. Mohs surgery
5. Breast procedures
e. Musculoskeletal system coding
1. Reduction/manipulation of fractures/dislocations
2. Arthroscopy
f. Respiratory system coding
1. Nasal endoscopy
2. Laryngoscopy
3. Bronchoscopy
4. Lung procedures
g. Cardiovascular system coding
1. Vascular injection procedures
2. Pacemakers and pacing cardioverter-defibrillators
3. Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
4. Angiography
5. Arteriovenous fistulas and grafts
6. Central venous access procedures
h. Digestive system coding
1. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)
2. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
3. Lower gastrointestinal endoscopies, such as colonoscopy
4. Hemorrhoidectomy
5. Hernia repair
6. Other laparoscopic procedures
i. Urinary system coding
1. Urodynamics
2. Genitourinary endoscopies, such as cystourethroscopy
j. Male genital system coding, including prostatectomy
k. Female genital system coding, including hysterectomy
l. Endocrine system coding
m. Nervous system coding
1. Laminectomy
2. Spinal injections
n. Eye and ocular adnexa coding, such as cataract extraction
o. Auditory system coding, including tympanostomy
5. Radiology procedure coding
a. Explanation of chargemaster
b. Professional and technical components
c. Radiological supervision and interpretation
d. Radiology-related modifiers
e. Diagnostic radiology procedures
1. X-rays
2. CT scans
3. MRIs
4. MRAs
f. Use of contrast material
g. Diagnostic ultrasound
h. Radiation oncology
i. Nuclear medicine
6. Pathology and Laboratory Services Coding
a. Explanation of chargemaster
b. Quantitative and qualitative studies
c. Laboratory-related modifiers
d. Laboratory tests
1. Organ and disease-related panels
2. Urinalysis
3. Chemistry
4. Hematology
e. Surgical pathology
7. Evaluation and Management Services Coding
a. Coding assignment guidelines for evaluation and management services
b. New versus established patients
c. Key factors for evaluation and management services code assignment
1. History
2. Examination
3. Medical decision making
d. Application of key factors against medical documentation for code determination
e. Evaluation and management services coding within various settings
1. Physician office
2. Hospital inpatient
3. Emergency department
4. Nursing facility
8. Medical Procedure Coding
a. Immunizations
b. Dialysis
c. Stent placement
d. Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA)
e. Cardiac catheterization
f. Therapeutic infusions and injections, such as for hydration and chemotherapy
g. Home health services
h. Medication therapy management
9. Anesthesia Coding
a. Definition of anesthesia services
b. Types of anesthesia
c. Anesthesia-related modifiers
10. HCPCS Level II Coding
a. History and purpose of Level II coding
b. Level II coding sections and sample codes
11.Reimbursement in the Ambulatory Setting
a. History of reimbursement in health care
b. Retrospective versus prospective payment
c. Physician reimbursement
d. Claim rejection and denial
e. Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and health care fraud
f. Importance of claim accuracy