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Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain and apply principles of medical and surgical aseptic techniques including universal body precautions.
2. Measure and record: oral, axillary, and aural temperatures; apical, radial, and brachial pulses; respiration; and blood pressure.
3. Interview and room patients, including recording patient history, demographics, chief complaint, present and past history, family and social history, and review of body systems.
4. Prepare patients for examination and assist physician with procedures.
5. Apply physical agents to promote tissue healing.
6. Instruct patients regarding ambulatory aids and cast care.
7. Perform an eye/ear irrigation and instillation.
8. Document patient care.
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1. Medical Asepsis and Infection Control
a. Microorganisms
b. Application of medical asepsis in the medical office/facility
c. OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standards
d. Method of compliance guidelines
e. Bloodborne diseases
f. Competencies
1. Hand washing
2. Adherence to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standards
2. Vital Signs
a. Body temperature
b. Pulse
c. Respiration
d. Blood pressure
e. Competencies
1. Measure oral, axillary, and aural body temperatures
2. Clean glass thermometers
3. Measure radial and apical pulses
4. Measure blood pressure
5. Determine systolic pressure by palpation
3. The patient examination and history
a. Health history
b. Medical record and charting including HIPAA guidelines
c. Preparation of patient and exam room
d. Assessment and position of the patient
e. Assisting the physician
f. Patient teaching: health promotion and disease prevention
1. Immunizations
2. Nutrition
3. Exercise
4. Maintaining normal weight
5. Managing stress
6. Maintaining high self-esteem
7. Avoiding tobacco and drugs
8. Responsible alcohol consumption
9. Environmental health
10. Cardiovascular disease
11. Cancer
12. Infections
13. Sexually transmitted diseases
14. Accident prevention
15. Aging
16. Healthy lifestyle choices
g. Competencies
1. Completing a health history form
2. Charting patient symptoms, procedures, specimen collection, laboratory tests, progress notes, and instructions given
3. Preparing the exam room
4. Operating and caring for equipment and instruments used during the physical examination, according to manufacturer's instructions
5. Preparing a patient for a physical examination
6. Measuring weight and height
7. Positioning and draping a patient in sitting, supine, prone, dorsal recumbent, lithotomy, Sims, and knee-chest positions
8. Assisting the physician during the physical examination
4. Sterilization, Sanitization, and Disinfection Competencies
a. Sanitizing instruments
b. Wrap articles to be auto-claved
c. Loading and operating autoclave
5. Minor office surgery
a. Surgical asepsis
b. Instruments used in minor office surgery
c. Sterile packages
d. Wounds, wound healing
e. Sterile dressing changes (variety)
f. Suture removal
g. Medical office surgical procedures
h. Assisting with minor office surgery
i. Bandaging
6. Physical agents to promote tissue healing
a. Local application of heat and cold
b. Casts
c. Ambulatory aids
1. Crutches
2. Canes
3. Walkers
d. Patient teaching: low back pain
e. Instructing an individual on the proper guidelines for case care
f. Measuring an individual for axillary crutches and instructing re: crutch gaits
g. Instructing an individual on proper procedure for using a cane
h. Instructing an individual on proper procedure for using a walker
7. Eye and ear assessment and procedures
a. The Eye
1. Structure
2. Vision testing
3. Eye irrigation
4. Eye instillation
b. The Ear
1. Structure
2. Assessment of hearing acuity
3. Ear irrigation
4. Ear instillation
c. Competencies
1. Assessing distance visual acuity
2. Assessing near visual acuity
3. Assessing color vision
4. Performing an eye irrigation
5. Performing an eye instillation
6. Performing an ear irrigation
7. Performing an ear instillation
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Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants. K. Bonewit-West, 9th Ed., Saunders, 2009.
Student Mastery Manual. K. Bonewit-West, 9th Ed., Saunders, 2009.