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Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. State all of the technician's primary job responsibilities describe the duties under each and explain how they differ from the responsibilities of the pharmacist and other pharmacy personnel.
2. Decisions requiring professional judgment and give examples.
3. State the general requirements of local, state or federal regulations which specifically affect the responsibility of the pharmacy technician.
4. Describe the major hospital departments and service units.
5. State the reasons in the initiation of a disciplinary action for a pharmacy.
6. Locate and use drug references.
7. State valid reasons for maintaining confidentiality of all patient information.
8. Identify realistic career objectives related to the course of study.
9. Perform research specific to the discipline using appropriate citations.
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1. Introduction to the role of Pharmacy Technician
A. Definition of pharmacy, registered pharmacist, and pharmacy technician
B. Duties and education requirements of a registered pharmacist
C. Duties and education requirements of a pharmacy technician
D. Relationships between other personnel (cashier, ancillary, management, pharmacists, wholesalers) and the pharmacy technician.
E. Qualification for registration of a pharmacy technician
F. Education and Licensing requirements.
2. Pharmaceutical/Pharmacy Technician Governing Bodies and Organizations
A. Federal (FDA Food and Drug Administration, DEA Drug Enforcement Agency, OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration, JCAHO Joint Commission Accreditation Healthcare Organization, ASHP American Society of Hospital Systems Pharmacists, APhA American Pharmacist Association, DPS Diversified Prescription Systems)
B. State (California State Board of Pharmacy, CPhA California Pharmacist Association, CPhTA California Pharmacy Technician Association)
C. Local (County organizations)
3. Ethical Rules for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
4. General Conduct and Disciplinary Action
A. Communication
B. Professional attitude
C. Dress code
D. Disciplinary action
1. State
2. Institution
5. Pharmacy Terminology and Abbreviations
A. Medical Terminology
1. Prefixes and suffixes
2. Nomenclature
B. Pharmaceutical terminology
C. Pharmaceutical Abbreviations
1. Routes of administration
2. Scheduled times of administration
3. Pharmaceutical dosage forms
4. Miscellaneous pharmaceutical abbreviations
5. Miscellaneous drug abbreviations
6. Common chemical and chemical compound abbreviations
7. Common vitamin abbreviations
8. Application of pharmaceutical abbreviations
D. Medical Abbreviations
E. Basic pharmaceutical mathematics; calculation of estimated days supply
F. Naming of Drugs
1. Chemical name
2. Generic name
3. Trade name
4. Official name
5. Combination drugs
6. Drug References
7. Organizational Structure
A. Hospital governing structure
B. Inpatient pharmacy organization and personnel
C. Hospital personnel
D. Outpatient pharmacy organization and personnel
8. Orientation to the values, themes, methods, and history of the discipline and identification of realistic career objectives related to a course of study in the major.
9. Introduction to discipline-specific research tools
A. Including seminal books, important periodicals, and major indexing sources
B. Professional or trade organizations
C. Standard referencing tools and discipline specific tasks
D. Major web sites
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Pharmacy Practice for Technicians (text and workbook), Ballington, D., 2009, 4th Ed., EMC/Paradigm Publishing